Will Petronas pull the plug in March 2016? Was Grant's prediction true?

Actually, I wrote several stories over the last month…including this one…



Hope you like it

Good for you. You didn’t post on here. Oh and by the way I’ll pass on reading your blogs, I don’t need the indigestion.

You’ll read it Gracie’s Mom…

We’ll keep it our little secret.


Ya no thanks. I have better things to do. Happy Friday evening. :):grin:

Guess what. All large companies do this and investigate there options when it comes to a large mega project. Do we proceed? Do we shelf? Or do we sell? They look at the numbers and bring there data to the board for them to make the decision.

Do you keep a little secret between you and Murray Kristoff?


oh and for the article about Petronas looking for other partners hate to say this go back about 2 years ago when Dubai became a partner, back then Petronas said they were willing to only own 50% of the project, so if some other company does take over some ownership that would mean there is still interest to build it. but hey what do I know I don’t troll every single site to find articles to bolster a position that Petronas will not build. :slight_smile:

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Petronas may be mentioning that they’re going to dump their shares as a way to leverage the BC Liberals. That would be a smart ploy to get more tax concessions from a party desperate for re-election.

My mind has already been made up, even if the BC Liberals give in to this alleged blackmail.

Sorry Christy, the free give away of our natural resources ends today.


free give away? more tax concessions? please provide proof of this. thanks

That story about Petronas denying they were selling their stake in PNW LNG…you might want to read this.


(who is Spencer Sproule? A BC Liberal staffer)…Read what Vaughn Palmer said in above link.

Jabber63…well, perhaps you can explain what Rich Coleman meant when he said this …in an exclusive interview with Business in Vancouver Magazine(BIV)…Read what Rich Coleman said here…


Funny stuff…The health researcher’s firing scandal…BC Liberals for almost 2 years said there was a RCMP investigation, there was none, they faked out the public, the police and the media…

No more BreX government please…!

Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund.

Just think about it for a bit.

Don’t like Clark but I would never vote for the NDP who don’t have a clue about economics or job creation. So far all I have heard from Horgan is his promises to spend money in the lower mainland. At least the Liberals promote our resources which account for the direct and indirect jobs in many communities 100 Mile House northward. Then you have NDP bag lickers like Grant G.

Think I’ll just walk to the polling station drunk. At least I won’t have any regrets the next day.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Alberta trust fund was not a giveaway, supposedly they were putting money away from their provincial surpluses into it, but they spent all the money in it so when they did need it there was nothing in it, it had nothing to do with tax concessions or any resource give away

Why do people assume that the government in Alberta spent all the Heritage fund ? http://www.finance.alberta.ca/business/ahstf/


Think harder… at least Jabber got a wee bit right, but not exactly the point unless he skated around the issue.

Excuse me then. :smirk:

Forgive me Gracies_Mom… I’ve misunderstood ya, aaaand it’s a bright lazy Sunday today. lol :sweat_smile:

(Walks away…)