Re: B & B Shooting

Uhh somtimes you have intelligent comments this isnt one of them. You dont seem to get the fact that I dont have to explain my actions to you or go to you for permission just like you dont need to go to me for permission for anything. 

Regardless of law people will do drugs if they want to, so long as they arent harming people I dont see the purpose in throwing them in jail.

Sure the drug dealers are scumbags, easy way to get rid of them is to legalize it then the scumbags are out of work.

Why put people in jail for doing harm to themselves? if we are going to do that we better put all the goth kids in jail with them.

You are your own person, when the law interferes with you doing things that do not harm others it is wrong.

I will use your quote right back at you

Uhh somtimes you have intelligent comments this isnt one of them. You dont seem to get the fact that I dont have to explain my actions to you or go to you for permission just like you dont need to go to me for permission for anything. 
thats how i feel about this too.

wow I concede you win with that stunning show of wit  :unamused:

Like I said, when they try to take away the freedom to do something you enjoy you better just shut the fuck up.


who are they, and what are they going to take away from me? and why would I tell you if something was taken away from me. or from us or did you mean like the people of canada…if this is what you mean are you taking about some bill thats going to be past by our country ? that will freeze our freedom of speach, freedom of self expression. or if this counrty will turn into a police state.
GEEZE man all i said is I think drugs should be banned… HIKES Jesus stop jumping up and down on my rights to free expression :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Funny you should mention the police state:

I fully support your right to be a retard and not comprehend what I am saying.  What I dont support is the government regulating what I can put in my body including the drugs I choose to take.  Bit by bit we lose our freedom in the name of terrorism/protecting the children and people like you are the reason its allowed to happen.

You can pry the can of Lucky Lager out of my cold dead hands.

jesus you would love to live in a world right out of mad max movie, you love Lawlessness and  Anarchy…and what is with that foul mouth did your mom teach you manners…LOL… :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

ya jesus…you are a lawless ape who wants nothing more then to speak as though you were a sailor…i bid you a good day


i wish i could’ve bought you a drink when i lived there bro, you crack me up

Well in our lifetime we will never see hard drugs made legal nor will we see much happening as far as the weed goes. Not with Harper sitting where he is especially when he is having breakfast in bed with Bush. But as a community we must try and address the flow of the hard drugs which are going to make us lose many people who have been caught up in this ugly world. I was caught with both eyes wide open many many years ago and I was trapped for as much as five to six years. It is much harder to get out then it is to get into. Then the domino effect happens years after just trying to claim ones life back.

touche’ but I havnt lived in rupert for 3/4 years now.

as for astroturf I do not believe in anarchy, there should be laws but not against what I choose to do to myself in my home or for that matter what my significant other and I choose to do together.

your a child jesus resorting to name calling and swearing like a baby.
you Porca puttana Bidonista Scemo  oh yes and Vaffanculo …

there is a steak and a potato in every can!! i went for a bike ride the other day to the top of cypress and after getting to the top i realized i was completley bonked, seeing stars, couldnt stand, dry heaving the whole deal.  so i reached for the can of coca cola in my backpack…WRONG… lucky lager, so i drank that and i was refreshed and revitalized ! hooray.

You have to understand something about my relationship with Lucky Lager:

  1. The official beer of the Springfield Isotopes (my softball team this year).
  2. The official beer of the Lucky Lagers, my bowling team.
  3. The unofficial beer of the Solly’s Saints (my flag football team).

At the beginning of the summer, when some guys and I decided to make it our ball team’s beer, I bought everything they had at the BCLS… all three cases or whatever. Now they have an entire section for it, in bottles, cans, even the rugged 8% Lucky Force. I’d like to think that I have almost singlehandedly increased the amount of Lucky being shipped to Rupert.

The bad thing about Lucky, is that it’s fairly unique, at least in the social circles I frequent. So, when there’s a huge pile of empty, say, Budweisers, down at the ball field, it could have been anyone. But when people find empty cans of Lucky, they know who to blame.

At the Bob Hellyer tournament, there were cans of Lucky falling from the sky (otherwise known as the old score shack,)  and we didn’t even have to guess who was drinking it.

Eso…I love you. You’re my idol.

Thank god for wikis!


In recent years, the beverage has been hard to find, but is still available in various establishments on the West Coast. Lucky is commonly found all across Vancouver Island. Cumberland, a small island town was named the most “Lucky” city with the most Lucky beer sales located here.

Sales of Lucky Lager have skyrocketed in Prince Rupert BC, after one man - Steve Eso, singlehandedly (sometimes double fisted) quintupled the local liquor store’s sales of the brew. The local liquor store now devotes an entire section of various sizes to Lucky, whereas before, it was sitting in a dusty corner somewehre, 3 cases at a time.


You know you’re a nerd when…

The first thing I did when I read that wikipedia article is hit “edit” and added a couple of links.

First wiki post ever :smiley:

Eso,  weren’t you a Labatt’s Blue fan?  Well if you were, they want you back!  Four free beer bottle in each case of 24.