Pleasant Customer Service Lacking

If the manager has a take it or leave it attitude then why should we expect any different from the staff? Now i am talking about all of the Rupert stores…To put it bluntly we are the end of the line, fuel is more expensive because it has to come way out here at least that is what most managers and fuel depot say. The chamber of commerce has had a monopoly here for the longest time, why are we not cutting taxes to attract big stores god knows some have not paid there taxes
Asked certain furniture stores to match or better bigger stores online the response is met with a hand gesture no not that one flicking me away to go and get that deal.
How do we as consumers change this? Go to terrace? Because shaming Rupert in newspapers, radio, screaming in the street and holding fist skyward is not working…

City furniture has the worst customer service. I went in there to look at new appliances and the sales man was pushy and rude, he visibly rolled his eyes at me when I said I was gonna look around for a better deal. I couldn’t believe this kid, and the manager is no better… I bought my stuff at Country Wide, I paid a little bit more but now I can open my fridge without ripping the door off in a fit of rage.

r u kidding me, the service at City Furniture is the best of any furniture store in town
they have the best staff, have the best selection
my family has bought tonnes of stuff from city furniture, and have never had a bad experience, they have given use deals that we couldn’t get anywhere, and they are also very generous at donations

Agreed.  That has been my experience as well; I received excellent service and great deals from City Furniture.

i agree city furniture has the best service but thats not hard compared to countrywide.i think prices have gone up at city in their new building and yes when we mention looking on online they seem to have a slight go ahead and try attitude

City Furniture’s not that bad, I never found them to be pushy and I went in there enough times to ask questions at one time.

They were helpful with information and pricing, though in the end I found what I was looking for somewhere else in town, they didn’t have a similar model at the time and wouldn’t be receiving a shipment for a bit, so I went to the next spot that did have what I wanted at the moment I wanted it.

(That if anything is my main complaint about Rupert shopping anywhere, if they don’t have it they’ll get it, but it may take some time. In the end I can order just as well as anyone else on the internet and have it perhaps in less time. I understand someone not wanting or not able to carry inventory, but still if you don’t have it, you can’t sell it )

Unlike some other places in town City Furniture was attentive to me the customer, at more than a few other places the staff are hard pressed to break away from whatever discussion they are involved in with their friends or co workers at the moment, you sometimes feel as thought you’ve burdened them by dropping in to look.

I have to agree with Darcy

I have been very happy with the customer service at City Furniture that it’s the only place I will even look for any furniture or lighting I need.

I’m actually quite surprised on how many people disagree on good/bad service on different places in this town. I was kind of expecting more of a mutual agreement on certain places but just goes to show people may have bad days

I don’t usually get rude sales people. When you present yourself as happy, and cheerful, even the grouchiest people can’t be grouchy at you. And even if they are still grouchy at you, why let their shitty mood bother you?

this kinda sucks but whatever

I have had excellent service from the fellows at Kal-Tire! As a woman it is hard to know where to go and get service for my vehicle and not pay through the roof.

w.f.m.e., if it is true you did not have insurance on your vehicle, I think the company did the best they could. If that vehicle was sitting in your yard with no insurance and the fenders got ripped off, you would have been on the hook to pay for replacement if you wanted them. 

Sorry, but as many have mentioned before, not everyone will be satisfied with customer service. Amazing many of the businesses do give great service in town, and it is the one that went sideways that get posted. 

If you get bad service, perhaps you have to look at yourself and ask how you presented yourself to the person at customer service. There are times I get ticked off, but do try to remain calm in the situation and not only ask questions, but listen to the other person and their reasons for their decision. If I do not agree, I just will not return.

We do have choices for service, even if we have to travel, order in and sometimes move… we still have choices.  :smile:

This is an interesting story, WFME, you might want to consider starting your own thread just about your experience.

Yep, as a customer service rep, I have to say, if you come in screaming and acting like a bully, I am going to be less interested in making your life easier and fixing your problem.  If, however, you come to me with a pleasant but firm attitude, I will be much more inclined to help you out. 

I have only had one bad experience with “not so great” customer service in Rupert as I posted earlier, at Cu’s, but other than that, if you walk in with a friendly attitude, it has been my experience that you will get back what you give out and as for City Furniture, I think they are one of the best for assisting their customers.  Great staff there. Smile and be kind to sales staff, it is not always an easy job dealing with the public  :smiley:

betty when I had the jeep before it went to kaltire when it had no insurence I kept it under lock and key .when i took it to kaltire it was there for a vehicle inspection with no insurence they said it would be kept inside at night I don’t think you are thinking before you are posting because some how you are making this my fault ! you can put whatever spin you want  on this post but i will just let the facts speak for them self.please think before you post thanks in advance

Even if they said they would keep it inside, what if they had a fire?. You should have bought In Transit insurance, or insured it for a week. It is your fault.

what part of needed a vehicle inspection did you not get?if they had a fire would thier insurence have covered the loss of the jeep?i know the answers I’m just hoping my questions will shake something lose in your head dum ass

I see you are a relative newcomer to our site so it would be considerate if you would “play nice” and stop the name calling.  The members here are just trying to understand your predicament and offer some advice.  If you don’t like the advice, move on !

 I understand what you are saying,but insurance companies will still insure your vehicle against theft,fire,damage incurred(obviously while not driving). I don’t know if there insurance would or not, but I do know you could have had it insured, for very little money as well. Even needing an inspection they still would have insured your vehicle for transit and storage while the inspection is completed.

yes I know a person can get a type of insurance for storage but they used their dealer plate to take the vehicle too the shop and assured me that the vehicle was going to be under lock and key at nite! i guess logboom  30 dollars of storage insurance with a 500 dollar deductable for 600 dollar fenders makes sense to you but not to me

  Guess your glad it was just fenders then. Who knows how much the damage could be if they decided to mess your vehicle up instead of just taking you fenders. Protect yourself, it would be a perfect world if everyone did what they said they were going to do, or a bad world depending on what they said.