Olympic Torch Relay Celebration on Feb 1, 2010

That’s exactly what happened to the Revelstoke protesters.

Of course I forgot you were there and saw the whole thing, how stupid of me.

The Olympics have about as much to do with sport as a rock concert has to do with music or a malor league hockey game has to do with Hockey,nothing,
they are all highly commercalized circle jerks.

The romans figured this out years ago ,keep the peasants happy with “Bread and Cicuses”

Soggy you’ve peaked my interest, help me out I’ve been all over google and youtube and I can’t find anything on Revelstoke. I am old and my computer skills are limited at best, do you have a link?

Whatever happened to the tolerant, kind, gentle Jesus I was told about as a child?

Regardless of my own belief about whether the Olympics are a good use of my tax dollars;  they are going to happen. it saddens me that all of the hard work and committment that has been contributed by local people to ensure that Prince Rupert is showcased as part of the Olympic Torch run would be potentially sabotaged by people wanting to protest a decision that was made years ago by people not involved in the local planning and celebration…

'nuff said!


The only place I’ve heard this is on GlobalTV this morning. I’ve been around for a while too, but I’d never admit I’m “old”. lol

Ok thanks for looking, let me know if you dig anything up please.

bit.ly/8BzYrz Olympic Torch Protests

I’m not quite understanding the whole lets protest the Olympic torch thing, it’s certainly not going to stop the Olympics from taking place, they’re going to happen regardless at this point.

It seems more about the self aborsbed nature of indivduals than anything else, who feel that they have the right to do whatever they wish, regardless of how it affects those that live around them, seemingly a trend in the past week around here I guess.

These community events would appear to have been designed for families and kids mostly, so why bother them with your concerns.

I do understand those that are against the Olympics, I would rather the money spent on the circus had been used for more pressing issues such as health care, schools, and other more important items of our times.

But protesting the torch thing, seems to me like standing outside of a school or hospital and heckling teachers and students or nurses, doctors and patients, all because you don’t like the state of health care or education. It’s not going to change the nature of the problem and in the end only impacts on those that are trying to do some good in the community, in this case I guess volunteers to a community event.

Rather than taking your concerns to where it is better directed, you choose to take things out on the larger community who may or may not agree with you, but for the most part probably won’t be impressed with your tactics.

In the case of the Olympics perhaps taking some time to find out the corporate addresses of the sponsors of the Games and writing to their Presidents, CEO"s and such asking if they wouldn’t be better off investing their money and brands into more useful pursuits such as the above mentioned concerns.

Better yet, offer up the prospect of a boycott of their products until they show a more proactive approach to the communities from which they receie their income.

That would draw attention to the problems and concerns where the Olympics really live, that  being in the corporate world, not to mention direct your energies where it may actually do some good.

A groundswell of concern directed there,  might get their attention not to mention the attention of the governments at all levels.

Trying  to disrupt and ruin an event for families and more importantly kids seems like a rather misdirected way of getting your point across not to mention one that in the end will be forgotten about ten minutes after the torch thing has moved on to the nex town.

My buddy who was actually watching the news report said it happened in Golden. The news reporter said she didn’t understand why the protesters were arrested for “obstruction” since they weren’t obstructing the procession or any bystanders.

Protesting is a right that we as Canadians have, if ppl will be at the event with signs and such, then so be it - just please watch out for the little kidlets that will be there - and if you do chant than please be respectful of the presenters and performers. 

Should be fun  :smiley:

I protest at the Seafest parade, but people just ignore me.

I protest every time they throw me out of the bar, does that count?

Still can’t find anything online about Golden.

I did find this:

thetyee.ca/Blogs/TheHook/Olympic … aOlympics/

I ran this paper for a couple years.
bclocalnews.com/kootenay_roc … oldenstar/

Must be another “good news” newspaper.  :smiley:

I stand by the news report, Global TV 7 am news yesterday.

So, let me get this straight. Just because a protest will inconvenience someone it shouldn’t happen?

That logic mean there never would be any more protests. Our right to protest cannot be taken away, especially when we have also contributed through our tax dollars. The entire Olympic vote was a farce since we didn’t even get a chance to vote. These events are the prime venues for our protests.

I won’t even answer that “self absorbed” comment.

Anyway, no child will be traumatized by our protest. I have been given permission to announce that the protest will be in two parts. The second part is going to be awesome, and we will be disruptive.

It’s not about the protest inconveniencing people, it’s about the protest being pointless in the first place. Reminds me of a “walk-out” while I was in PRSS where five or six students went to City Hall with signs protesting on behalf of the HEU who were on strike or who had just gone back to work… totally the wrong place.

Well thanks for the quick lecture on our right to protest and how we should cherish it, though I’m more tham familiar with that concept.

Don’t think I ever said I was going to take it away, just that in this case protesting what in effect is a kids festival seemed like a misdirected bit of theatre. As I outlined there are many other ways to get your point across and take it to the people that will benefit most from the Olympics that being the corporate sector.

Frankly I believe that protest should be used for only those issues that are of great importance, civil rights, abuse of power, elimination of democratic principles, things like that, otherwise the use of protest grows diminished every time someone with a grudge decides that’s the only way to get a point across.

Thus when something truly of importance comes along, folks will go ah here they go again.

Since however you seem determined to fight the man, hope you check in with protest control and schedule a stop at Gary Coons office, as it was the NDP under Glen Clark which first hoisted this apparent travesty upon us. And any true protest worth its weight, would of course want to take action against those who represent the father of such folly.

Maybe also take the show on to the Greek Consulate (road trip guys), as it was those foolish Greeks who first started up the circus.

Be sure to check back with us afterwards to show us just how much the world changed after you were “disruptive” in phase two of your planned events. I still say that most folks will forget all about you about five minutes after they leave the event.