Drug Dealer's

well for the ones that think its ok to look the other way to the drug problem i have a solution, lets help the kids to loss the fat(cus like you say thats the real problem) by smoking a big bowl of CRACK!!! ya weight loss at its best, nothing like frying your mind to shed the pounds. who needs to eat!! they can not eat, run from the cops(and the drug dealers they rip off) and then smoke some more. want to join me i think im going to do it hell ya …put i’m not a drug user i just want to lose some pounds.  :imp:

i just got back from a long walk with my puppy. guess what? i didnt see even one drug deal, did see a bunch of kids drinking coolers in the park. there are a few drunks wandering outside of the daily news too. isnt myles a former heroin addict? shouldnt he have been “locked up and the key thrown away” years ago when he was still using? acording to the logic thats being preached thats what you want to happen? ive news for you, most dealers do use, they deal to support their own addictions. i personally dont know of any successful dealers or users, they are all suffering. this issue should be dealt with as a health issue, not a moral or criminal one. addicts are people too you know, they need the love and support of people who genuinely care about what happens to them, the lack of  having someone who cares is what breeds addicts. ask any addict what their childhood was like and you will find a common story, absent or abusive parents. contrary to the general opinion drug use is not the cause of societies problems, it is a symptom of them. you want it to go away, then demand them to legalize all narcotics. that is the only way to properly address drug abuse.
      as i was walking tonight i saw these drunks down near the skateboard park, drinking hard liquor and eating mcdonalds. i suppose i could have thought "these drunkard welfare scamming losers need to get a life, and get arrested and out of my view, and into the drunk tank. instead i found myself thinking about what type of life they must had growing up to now consider that an ok way to live. i felt sorry for them, surely it isnt what they thought they would be when they grew up. not everyone was dealt the same hand as others. its easy to call someone a addict/loser when you were dealt a royal flush, they got a pair of two’s. so you go take a walk out there and look around, but take the log out of your eye so you can actually see , then help them do the same.

Dealers are people too, ohh shut the hell up… what do you think a person with a 500.00 dollar a habit is… oh and were the hell does a 500.00 a day user get that money every day… you guys keep missing the fricken boat here. It’s a good damn mess. Dont get mad at the dealer, don’t get made at the user, don’t get mad at…ohh fuck it… you dumb asses are driving me to drink… then I will do drugs, oh and eventually my family will leave, I will loose my house, sell my van, then when all my money has been shot into my arm or snorted up my nose…I’m going to break into your car and steel your shit… Then I’m going to break into your house or your business. ya I know I’m only hurting myself… RIGHT…
I guess most people here have not had a break in or had something stolen from them? Why do think they took your shit because they like it, your shit is crap, lol. It was to sell it and have money to buy dope….

Reading your post, it seems your defending the dealers, Why?
I know who you are, and if everyone else knows, they know your a part of the problem and not the solution.
Just a little tidbit, ask your daughter what drugs she has tried.
Get your head out of the sand and look around, it’s there and you know it.
The Last time I checked, Mcdonalds and alcohol was legal.

are you really that stupid? i say make that $50.00 a month from his doctor, then he wont need to rip you off. your the one missing the boat, and the point. you want to punish for the sake of punishing? sounds like your life is currently pretty good, house, family,van. all the good shit yeah? i cant see anyone with all that going for them feeling the need to use narcotics, they are for removing awareness of who and what you are,  doesnt sound like you need that. parents probably taught you well, you were taught how to be who you are, and given the environment in which to utilize what you were taught, your more fortunate than you know, and i am happy for you for that.
    there are others though that didnt get that shit, they got shit kicked and thrown into the streets to fend for themselves like worthless garbage.  be glad you got to be you and not the guy who stole yer shit, he would trade places with you any day.


there is a big difference between the longterm affects of obesity and the acute sudden danger of heroin for instance that causes the patient to stop breathing when they have OD.

I have treated alot more heroin overdoses in town then I did diabetes and cardiac problems combined

ya instead of trading places he took my shit… hope he feels realy good about it…lmao …and cry me a river about some poor guy who got his ass tossed to the streets, using that as an excuse is just plain wrong, many less fortunate people have crawled out of worse places and became model citizens. And yes I was raised well, but not all as good as you may think. My parents sat me and my sis down and said you want to use drugs then use at home, so we can keep an eye on you. That my friend was all I need to hear, I didnt experiment with drugs until I was a few years older, and drug use was pot. I was not chronic and never bought my grass, I had friends who would share…. I know lots of people from all types of back grounds rich and poor who have drug and alcohol problems. So its just not the kid who was shit kicked by dad or raped by a family member. Drug use is rampit come with me welfare morning I can show you the users, getting there checks and looking to buy and then I’ll show you the local street girls who sell their body’s, it’s a social problem many people are so blind to it they don’t see it unless someone who works as a social worker or outreach worker points it out…ChrisJ my prevous post were not directed just at you but to everyone, no matter what we think drug problems affect us all directly or indirectly. And I get what you are saying I hope you get what I’m saying too there both very valid points.

ChrisJ YOU DON’T KNOW SHIT!!! i had a great upbringing (and we were poor) my mother was fantastic and she did the very best she could, she gave me religious teachings, she had my back no mater what(and that does not mean she ignored when i did bad-i got some ass whippings) i never wanted for the basic things(even when she went with out!)  i had a better life than some people with more money. I WAS THE BIGGEST FUCKING ASSHOLE WHEN I HIT MY TEENS! i would have kick your ass because you breathed my air! i did not need a reason so environment does not dictate how you grow up! i have done every drug that is not injected i have had my fill of many carnal pleasures… and it comes down to one thing and one thing only!!! YOUR OWN PERSONAL CHOICE if it was not my or your choice the bad seeds would always be bad and i changed. if it was the parents choice we would be doctors,lawyers and teachers not drug users or drug pushers. for the weak and delusional try to blame the people around them. i had a choice, it was my choice and my choice alone as it is for everyone! the drug dealers dig there claws into the weak minded they make you there friend, they give you what the weak think they don’t have. the dealers need to have  the shit kick out of them not be handed the keys to heaven(nice cars,great clothes.hot (usually drug addicted) girls,tons of money!) its the flashy life style that hooks most people. lets put the help were its needed! with the addicts not the pushers, the pushers are just the piss in the gutter unless they change there ways and if that does not happen before they get busted or killed too fuckin bad they got what they deserve.

and i agree. and im not defending dealers, non addicted dealers are true fucking maggots. addiction is a disease, and its no fun. they need help, not prison

Well, it seems we could and will discuss this for quite awhile but as for what was stated a few posts back :Re: Obesity…I am sorry but the sight of an obese person on the corner is not as intimidating or annoying as a wired, smacked out, falling all over me, verbally abusing me or following behind me with “requests” for money person and I for one am sick to death of this bullshit! You don’t see it walking your puppy?, then take a cruise down around Pappa Jazzies or The Daily News or Kwinitza and see what you post then…Yes, agreed, obesity is a problem and I also agree that there should be more programs for kids to teach and to help them maintain a healthy way of life but unless a chubby person is tailing me for the Twinkie I have in my pocket or the frappacino from Tims, then I feel fairly safe taking my walk! And stop rationalizing drug addiction by blaming the addicts childhood and misfortunes. Good, responsible parents, bad, irresponsible parents? Do statistics support the latter as breeding more addictive behavior…I think not…There are many reasons for addiction, unfortunately, one of them is as basic as CURIOSITY. Let’s all agree Rupert needs help and bring awareness to the general public to get their heads out of their asses…It is obscene out there and something has to be done…


It’s a wonder to me that some people still believe that becoming tougher on drugs will yield a better result. Any time this happens, drugs just become more prevalent, stronger and cheaper.

Why do we keep on doing the same thing expecting different results?

I advocate for legalizing ALL drugs. They would still be interdicted at the border. Confiscated drugs would then be used to supply addicts with their drug of choice in a medical type facility where addicts wanting to quit are able to get the help they need.

This change of action could knock down the high profits of drugs (the reason we have so many dealers). One of the results of the “drug war” is that individuals in our police organizations won’t be tempted to pocket either drugs or money, thus taking away the reason for much of the corruption.

Many seem not to remember that approx 10 years ago our top cop was busted for ties with organized crime. The scandal about the RCMP pension funds points to a society of corruption (or at least disfunction) within our police forces.

Let’s at least try something different, like the Four Pillars program in Vancouver and extend it to the whole country.

I agree that something should be done to combat the drug trade.  The current war against drugs isn’t working at all.  I’m going to do my best to inform my child as she heads to high school this Fall.

Alcohol is the worst drug. Compared to alcoholics, how many potheads beat their wives after smoking up?

High school, It Starts in Elementry School, I’ve seen kids drinking, smoking and trying drugs in ELM school… Im starting when she is old enough to understand.

I think you speak with the concerns of the a parent, which is great! If all parents were as proactive as you then a lot of societies social problems would not exist! However, we are all different and we need to recognize and acknowledge those differences. We subject ourselves to stereotypes and discrimination by judging people on what they do and what we see as normal. I see far too much of this as I have done this many times in my youth and young adulthood.

Why not try acknowledge that these people may not know anything else! Just maybe instead of focusing on the issue look at the underlying context of their issue. Sure drug dealers can be white, Chinese, Vietnamese , First Nations what ever the race; do you think maybe some people were brought up into this lifestyle? I feel it was not a personal choice, but a way of life because maybe it was normalized by their parents, peers, whoever. Why not instead of punishing these offenders teach them some skills that can make then what we call productive citizens. I do not like the ract that our society see it far to appropriate to punish and segragate its memebers becaus eof the level of acceptance received by others.

My response to another thing is about welfare day just look around and see how many people look at these people with disgust. How would you feel if you were in that situation collecting a welfare check because of our so called booming economy that is banking on something that is years away still. It disgusts me to hear people saying drunken Indians, yet some people in our gracious little city go out and drink for the night and then go home and that is accepted GO figure. Yet we will subject others to discrimination because of their behaviour when we will not put ourselves there.

I have two children and if either one of them uses drugs or cigarettes I sure as hell won’t be blaming anyone but them! They have been and still are constantly being schooled on the right and wrong choices in life.  Now you talk about severe punishment for dealers? that’s been tried , just look at the States . Raise the penalty for drug dealing and you raise the price of  drugs. Raise the price and you attract more dealers. Hey! while we are blaming the dealers for our kids screwing up what about our local constabulary? I mean if your kid is addicted. who do you think gives them the money to inform on the dealer? and what do you think they spend that money on over and over? 

I’m pretty sure the cops dont pay kids to inform on dealers…

Good on you for taking an interest in raising your kids. 

well there wouldnt be any drug dealers if everybody stopped buying the drugs, so how do we get people including myself to stop buying them, have no idea well neither do I. that why i am an occasionall user

oh you don’t think so?

you obviously haven’t spent alot of time researching things then, how do you think they get info?