Bill Belsey is a clown


You’re kidding, right?

You don’t think they’ve lied? You don’t think promising one thing and doing the opposite is a lie?

I mean Gordon Campbell himself gave a speech in the last campaign where he talked about politicians and criminal charges. He said, basically, that MLAs found guilty of criminal offences should be fired. Of course, he didn’t mean him. And um, yeah, so he was found guilty of a criminal offence… um sorry, didn’t mean that.

A criminal offence by definition is “an offence involving dishonesty or deception or a serious arrestable offence”.

I assume that you are talking about Premier Campbell’s drunk driving thing. I am not sure if he was arrested or not. If he wasn’t, than it wasn’t a criminal offence.

Even if he was arrested, i still think that he deserves a bit of slack. I would say this about an NDP premier too. When you are in a position of responsibilty you are consantly under a spotlight by people.

If, say, you caught your good friend driving drunk. Would you insist that they be fired from their job.

I think that people must remember that being a premier is a job, and at night when Campbell gets home, he is Gordon Campbell, just as he is Premier Cambell. He was not “on the job” when he was caught. He was driving, not to a speech or a school, or to parliment, just driving. And I think that every person is allowed mistakes, especially when your mistakes are magnified by 100 (as Premier Campbell’s are.)[/quote]

brian guy, you are reaching so far to place the feather cushion under gordos ass, its hilarious.

wow this turned into quite the political debate

Bill Belsey’s office oh-so-rudely woke me up this morning, so when I was asked if he could count on my vote, I said “No, Bill Belsey is a clown!” and quickly went back to sleep.

awesome, stick it to the man !!!1111

smartass wrote:

Nice one smartass.

while doing my civic dutie, placing Liberal signs in yards, I noticed a few times NDP signs laying in the back yard and the house owner asking for a liberal sign as they changed there mind’s… Its nice to see in our country that we can do such things and not be afraid of your house being burned down. or your kids being pelted with rocks…

After Gordo’s defeat in the debate last night, they may be asking to change their signs again.

Man, for somebody who knew what the questions were going to be two weeks ago, he sure sucked.

Some comments here: … tionForum/

Man I which I saw it last night, thanks Mig for the website: reading it now…

That site looks kind of biased, considering there is an ad for ‘Liberalized’ in the left column. I wouldn’t really say that Gordon Campbell was defeated, he seemed to ‘back-up’ all of his points. Carole James though, what a bitch.

Ah, typical liberal – attack the source rather than the substance. What exactly did they say that was incorrect?

Don’t bother arguing if all you want to do is use ad-hominem attacks, Dylan.

Sounds like a Republican Neo-con response, actually. You can’t believe that site! They’re biased! They are advertising a book about the Gordon Campbell government, I’ll bet it is negative too! They must be biased.

Ok, so here are some links that are to “Liberal” and right-wing publications:

The Globe and Mail (are you going to say they’re an NDP paper?):

Ipsos-Reid poll (sure, go ahead, show your ignorance by calling them NDP pollsters):

[quote]32 per cent named no clear winner,

31 per cent named Carole James the winner,

23 per cent named Gordon Campbell,

12 per cent named Adriane Carr.[/quote]

So yeah, don’t attack the source, attack the ideas.

Here’s a google link to help you do just that, Dylan:

Here’s another obviously biased site:

wahhhh wahhhh wahhhhh man can’t believe the amount of whiners in here talking poliitcs, my tuition went up wahhhh, hard working ppl got tax breaks wahhhh, told me to get a job wahhhhhh, Belsey is a clown wahhhhh. First off the NDP did have 3 balanced budgets but take a look at the AUditor General’s addmium to it, Because of all the off book expenses which the NDP Hid through new Crown agencies he could not book off on them fully, Since when did highway ministry have a small budget yet the province spent 400 million on the Island highway but not record it on the budget, then there is the forestry industry the mining indrustry and all other resource industry that the NDP ruined, as for the tax breaks let me see a 10% cut to all hard working ppl was a good thing sure if you make more money you get more back but the cut was still the same percentage wise for all, as for tuition the NDP played politics there too, they froze the tuition for years so that when the freeze was lifted guess what ppl of course they will go up. Go get a job in summer and during school if you have to to pay for the increase this isn’t RUssia where everything is handed to you, oh and the comments we got the port even though CUllen is our MP hate to break it to you we got it through the hard work of our Port AUthority which is all Liberal on the board, and the strong Federal Liberals in this riding, Nathan had nothing to do to get the container port here, and if it wasn’t for Gordon Campbell we probably wouldn’t have gotten it either so love them or hate him Campbell and Martin came through for us.

Isn’t it neat how they came through right before the election? Nifty huh. And about tuition prices… shut the fuck up. Apparently you don’t have to pay them so you don’t feel the heat of the prices going up. It’s getting to be that people are dropping out because they can’t afford it and a summer job won’t cover the $15,000 needed for a year of school, and that number is still increasing!

Hey Guest above! Joined Belsey’s circus did ya? First piece of equipment was get a red nose to cover the brown eh!

haha w00000. We really need the random comments section back on the front page.

ohhhhhhhh insults im shivering in my boots now sheeeshhhh grow up if your going to college your supposed to be an adult try acting like one. Yes I did have to pay for my own college and guess what I worked from the age of 16 and through college guess im not like most where I have to rely on the government to take care of me go figure guess I dont like to go party all summer long. If your looking for good summer jobs here is a hint OIL AND GAS in the NORTHEAST anybody can make a good chunk of change but I guess that would mean no parties or lounging around in the summer go figure and no whinning about how the government doesnt take care of you from cradle to grave. and also any education after high school is not a right it is a privlege, you want to go that is your choice so why should hard working ppl have to support 85% of college or university education??? so you can whine about having to pay 15%?

You need to get a clue. I work 2 jobs I worked all summer every cent i had went into rent for the year and how was i supposed to pay for tuition? Right the government loaned me money and im now 20 000 dollars in debt.

You dont wanan pay for my school? well then fuck you I am not going to pay for your retirement you prick. School is not supposed to be a privilege in canada, its a right for rich kids why shouldnt it be for me? I work hard probably harder than you do and yet i have massive student debt still.

I make this post after work at 9:00 I started at 7 and i still am barely able to pay for my school are you calling me lazy? Fuck you get a clue. OH and how much was your tuition? 5000 a year? yea i dont think so so just shut the fuck up.

key word here, COLLEGE. I am paying for university. One year of my schooling is probably the same about as your full diploma or whatever you did.

Watch the language guys. You don’t want to get this good thread locked.