All native tournament website...?

World implies the entire world.

British implies belonging to Britain.

So now we’re arguing the name, not the reality. Don’t let hoshq slide the discussion away from where he started it. He said the event was racist. He realizes his mistake, now he’s gonna grasp at straws and imply that the name implies racism.

Does Prince Rupert belong to some guy named Prince Rupert? Then why name it that?

I am not going to argue whether or not the tournament is racist but the name implies it is for natives only. Yes world series implies the whole world and is not but thats different “all native” implies native only hence why people think its racist thats all im saying.

And you’ve just fallen for the hoshq topic shift. You’re smarter than that, dude.

I’m all for de-railing topics. That’s a proud HTMF tradition. I guess hoshq topic slides will soon be proud HTMF traditions too.

On a related topic (that being First Nations and sports) no one has yet mentioned the use of derogatory First Nation names to identify professional and non-professional sports teams, such as the “Braves”, Red Skins", and “Indians”. Could one argue that the term “Rainmakers” furthers a stereotype?

[quote=“MiG”]No, you honestly believed it. Like I said, when somebody points out that you’re wrong, you’ll change the topic and avoid it like crazy, but never admit that you were wrong.

So now you say that you knew you were wrong, but you were trying to encourage discussion?[/quote]

Yes, I do honestly believe it. And I don’t believe you’ve proven me wrong.

My argument: excluding people on the basis of race is RACIST.

Your argument was that the All-Native Tournament excluded non-natives. It doesn’t.

Stop trying to slide away from it. You said it point-blank:

“Celebrating 44 Years of Racial Exclusion”

There’s no racial exclusion going on, so you’re wrong.

OKay…this is getting pretty harsh now, kay go back to what adkins said …Anybody Can Play…You either have to be invited or directly connected to the area tribe ect. this has nothing to do with race, sure all native may implie that…but take a look around, seriously. or go read the web site it has all the rules and what not on it…i’m not a big basketball fan or anything nor do i watch the games…but please look up what your talking about before you say anything racist or accuse people of being racist, everybody is welcome to the all native.

I dont know people. You’re really blowing something up that really shouldn’t be blown up. I agree with Mig, he’s right. I have the same opinion as him.
And as for the team names, Red Skins… all that crap, that’s the stereotypical which is politically incorrect. And yeah, that shit does bother a lot of people that I know. But its not really a big focus. It’s politically incorrect and stereotyping. …but who cares… I’m almost tired of this topic.

Would any of you really want to play in the all-native?

Ummmmmmmmmmmm I played in the Junior… back when I wasn’t lazy and I wasn’t a computer geek. =)

In a galaxy far far away we were once NOT computer geeks…very far it was

are you first nations?

Yep. I’m Haida.

thats one mean haida tattoo

Haha, well, I’m done posting for a while. I might be a computer geek… but I’m going out on a Friday night. Kinda… I’m going to get hot chocolate. =) =P
I’m off kiddos. See ya

and what do you have to do to be invited? be native?

So many confused ideas.

No wonder countries go to war.

I wonder what you have to do to be invited to play in the NHL?

Check the website, your team has to qualify for the tournament.

Weird question! Of course if someone is from the area and loves basketball, this tournament must be the ultimate in terms of amateur basketball. I don’t play the game but if I was a decent player, even though I am not first nation, I would love to be invited by a village to play for them. Who wouldn’t want to play?
The name “All Native” may imply only native to some people, but it may also mean organized by First Nation people, incuding First Nation villages, celebrating native traditions and so on.
What’s the big deal? Basketball, which I don’t like that much anyway, is still a great game and it just so happen that in this part of the world, the first nations culture has connected with it. So why can’t they have a great big tournament?