Wolf kill Kloya Bay

I dont know were you get your facts from poolboy
Canada resumes controversial seal hunt
Hunters get biggest quota ever: 350,000 pups

Updated: 10:26 a.m. ET April 16, 2004
TORONTO - Seal hunting will be allowed for up to another month off Canada’s east coast because the annual quota of 350,000 has not been reached, a Canadian official said Thursday.

Christie Parcigneau, a media officer with Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans, said about 280,000 harp seals have been killed so far.

“The hunt can go on until May 15, depending on the weather and if the quota has been reached,â€

I dont know were you get your facts from poolboy
Canada resumes controversial seal hunt
Hunters get biggest quota ever: 350,000 pups

Updated: 10:26 a.m. ET April 16, 2004
TORONTO - Seal hunting will be allowed for up to another month off Canada’s east coast because the annual quota of 350,000 has not been reached, a Canadian official said Thursday.

Christie Parcigneau, a media officer with Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans, said about 280,000 harp seals have been killed so far.

“The hunt can go on until May 15, depending on the weather and if the quota has been reached,â€

I dont know were you get your facts from poolboy
Canada resumes controversial seal hunt
Hunters get biggest quota ever: 350,000 pups

Updated: 10:26 a.m. ET April 16, 2004
TORONTO - Seal hunting will be allowed for up to another month off Canada’s east coast because the annual quota of 350,000 has not been reached, a Canadian official said Thursday.

Christie Parcigneau, a media officer with Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans, said about 280,000 harp seals have been killed so far.

“The hunt can go on until May 15, depending on the weather and if the quota has been reached,â€


Why would you kill a seal pup? It’s illegal to be in possession of it, there’s no market for it, and the fur sucks. There’s no reason, except for the greenpeace cameras. The last such case was exactly that – greenpeace hired three guys to take them out with a camera and basically “act” for them.

So no, you can cite all the evidence you want, but it doesn’t happen. There’s just no purpose – you can’t sell, you can’t keep, you can’t eat the pups, so why would you do it? They are worthless.

350,000 seals killed? That’s not what’s important – what’s important is how much money some groups can make by opposing it.

How many chickens killed in North America last year? How about cows?

Don’t think there’s any blood there? Do you know how they kill cows and chickens?

:laughing: of course I went to alberta and seen were my brother in-law works mig he worked for BURNS or the other big meat packers was some time ago cant remember the name. also the chickens seen that too, good movie to watch is Baraka I have the VHS of it…

But MIG what were talking about is wild animals not Domesticated or farm animals, for millions of years nature has been in balance, when human came along we threw everything of balance. The seals are hunted for numerous reasons and some reasons there hunted is because fisherman say there’s too many seals and not enough salmon. I say that’s true but its not the seals fault its our own greed that caused that problem we over fished the samon and killed of the spawning rivers, by damns, by logging by minning.


Harp Seals aren’t hunted because they eat fish. They are hunted for their meat and their fur. And they certainly aren’t hunted because they eat salmon.

You’re confusing the East Coast seal hunt with the opinions of West Coast fisherman. West Coast fisherman routinely shoot harbour seals (or whatever species is around here), but that has absolutely nothing to do with the East Coast seal hunt, and confusing the two is just showing your ignorance.

The East Coast seal hunt is an expensive proposition, and a lot of time people barely break even. It’s not cheap to get to the ice. People don’t do it for sport or for pleasure or for some sadistic love of killing animals. They do it for a living.

[quote=“Stardog Champion”]One thing that most people who are against hunting fail to understand is that it is, in fact, necessary. Animals such as deer and moose rely on naturally growing foliage to survive. The amount of foliage out there is only enough to sustain a limited number of animals. The number of animals out there do not stay limited naturally–births always outnumber deaths. Therefore, without hunters (there aren’t enough other natural predators out there to control the population), the population of deer, moose, elk, etc will grow to amounts that the foliage will be unable to support. As such, the amount of foliage will decrease, ultimately starving out the animals.

Hunting solves this problem. It allows people to take a limited number of animals at regulated times of the year. It allows people to feed their families, and keeps the ecosystem balanced.

Remember, humans are part of the food chain, as has been pointed out.[/quote]

Speaking of over population, If us humas are on top of the food chain, then who controls our out of control population. Our food resources are running dry by the minute… I could go on for ever on this topic, but its a very delicate situation. We can’t just go around and kill off a bunch of people, since its not “Humain”… but eventually its gunna come down to that (hopefully after I croaked). And at the same time, you can’t just nuke people either, because you’ll be nuking a bunch of the food and resourses at the same time… I can just feel the huge epidemic already… Plague!

Economics is our population control!

And AIDs.

It’s funny… I remember reading Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood, and the main character’s father was lamenting about the development of insulin as a treatment for diabetes. He basically said that such diseases are how nature weeds out the weaker memebers of our species, and that we’re playing God by trying to treat illnesses that were never meant to be treated.

The reasons for the East Coast seal hunt include both furs and to keep them from eating the fish. I is also a way for the governmen to provide jobs for off season fishermen. Pupsare still being killed, if not directly then by having their parent killed and not being able to fend for themselves. I don’t know what your talking about, Mig!
As for killing seals for eating fish, it would be far more effective to club American fisherman if we’re trying to protect our fish! :smile: The theory that the seals are the reason for low fish populations has been debunked long ago. It is merely a rationalisation by Fisheries and Oceans so that they can keep the fisherman busy commiting what is effectivly genocide. It is simply wrong to mess with the ecosystem like this, but as usual, humans think they’re so damn smart that they know better than nature.

One more thing - To whoever said vegetarians are emaciated, I beg to differ. I was born and raised vegetarian, and I have always been a very healthy weight. Same with my whole family. My husband’s vegetarian too, and he could even stand to lose a few! My daughter has never had meat and she is super healthy. Our doctor says that there is no reason she needs meat, and that these days it is very possible to be vegetarian and healthy. To say otherwise is such an old fashioned idea. About half of the people I know are vegentarian or vegan and they are all healthy. Maybe your thinking of vegan, who do tend to be on the thin side. Far more common and unhealthy are people who each too much bacon! I’m not saying everyone should choose not to eat meat, but it is a viable option. Once I get into town I’ll have a big vegetarian dinner party and invite anyone who thinks that vegetarian food is boring or tasteless. I guarantee by the end of the night some of you will be eating less meat. I might even have a few converts. I’m serious - hold me to it. Any one on this board who isn’t a serial killer is invited.

I will come into town for this, and afterwards we can go to my house for a nice steak BBQ and I will show you some meat meals that would be more tasty.

By the way the whole you dont eat meat thing well I dont eat vegetables so its even. Before you say I am unhealthy I haven’t eaten a vegetable in about 5 years and I am healthy… the cows eat the green stuff for me!


Nevermind I am a serial killer :frowning:

I suppose all you cute seal lovers would also begrudge the Inuit, who have been hunting seals for thousands of years, for killing seals too?

And do you realize that the harp seal herd is nearly triple what it was in the 70s? So, the population is actually growing at a very healthy rate!

Get over it! If the animals aren’t “cute” or “majestic,” you don’t give a shit.

Damn, now I’m so worked up, I just want to beat on a seal and blow away a wolf! :smiling_imp:

I guess I’m not invited then :frowning:

[quote=“poolboy”]I suppose all you cute seal lovers would also begrudge the Inuit, who have been hunting seals for thousands of years, for killing seals too?

And do you realize that the harp seal herd is nearly triple what it was in the 70s? So, the population is actually growing at a very healthy rate!

Get over it! If the animals aren’t “cute” or “majestic,” you don’t give a shit.

Damn, now I’m so worked up, I just want to beat on a seal and blow away a wolf! :smiling_imp:[/quote]

Sorry you are reading into nothing I have said. I dont care if there cute or not. I dont care if we hunt them or not I dont care about Inuit who hunt them. What I care about is us the human race playing GOD with everything, you say the harp seal is triple in poplulation then it was in the 70’s but in the 70’s there was only small percentage of what it was at the turn of the 1900’s. now the populations is still 1/2 of what it was in the turn of the centery. its still a small population of seals. and with the advent of globel warming the population will decrease again.
we keep playing god we will eventualy wipe our self out… LONG LIVE THE COACHROACH!!!

I agree with you there, Astro. We are just another species and will likely be wiped out eventually - but not until we’ve had a kick ass time, raping and pillaging everything on the planet! Yee-hah!

But, seriously . . . don’t you think there’s a reason we were given this big ol’ brain?We were meant to keep pushing the envelope, to keep kickin’ doors open. It’s true that for every cool scientific and medical advancement, we do something stupid that hurts us and the planet but that’s only because we were created (however or by whomever) with an insatiable curiosity and we’re greedy sonsofbitches.

Ultimately, though, all species time will come and millions have died before there was man, without his intervention. The rest is all just details, man.

HTMF needs a how-to sticky on how to condense your arguements.

It seems everyone is all about the big block-o-text. Usually two thirds of it is garbage, too.

[quote=“TranscendingRationality”]HTMF needs a how-to sticky on how to condense your arguements.

It seems everyone is all about the big block-o-text. Usually two thirds of it is garbage, too.[/quote]

I agree with you completely. Opinions and text should be kept short. Otherwise people go on and we all lose the main idea of the text. As for garbage, in my town, pick-up is usually on Thursday. It’s funny here, there is no limits on how many bags and we weren’t told by the town that we needed a garbage can with lid. We bought one anyway at this place called Kent. They have everything for building and decorating a home at that place. But you know what gets me is that stores like that are becoming more of the same. When I was young, Canadian Tire was a guy store where one would shop for sports, cars and camping things. Now, it’s like a friggin Zellers or Wall-Mart. I swear that if they start selling bras, I will not go there anymore. Another place I shouldn’t go anymore is McDonald’s. Man they keep taking good things off their menu and they still advertise as if they are selling healthy stuff. Have you ever tasted their “healthy” sandwiches? Absolutely tasteless crapl. Bring back the fajitas. I met a guy last weekend who spoke Spanish, French, English, and enough Portuguese and Italian to get by. All this and only 21 years old. I told him he should try to get hired as an interpreter for Vancouver 2010. He thought that was a good idea since he studies cinema and there’s lots of film done in Vancouver. We discussed films a little bit. We agreed on some films but on others, we had different opinions. Ah yes opinions. I guess I should keep it short next time if I agree with Transcending. :wink:

[quote=“TranscendingRationality”]HTMF needs a how-to sticky on how to condense your arguements.

It seems everyone is all about the big block-o-text. Usually two thirds of it is garbage, too.[/quote]

If it hurts your head, just trying reading them in bits, taking a break from time to time.

Since when was eating fashionable??? I know…ever since vegetarianism became prominent many people have converted because it is fashionable. I eat to give my body the nutrition it needs which for me includes protein as I work out alot. I do choose to eat some forms of engineered food but I like the natural stuff too. Many vegetarians are also trying to make a political statement. That doesn’t fly with me though because not all forms of meat are treated the way that domestic slaughterhouse animals are.

Back to the original topic… I went to the dump today and saw a large amount of crows alongside the road by the Ridley turn off. As there is a young lady missing in the area I thought that I should check it out. Turns out that it was a very fresh moose hide in the ditch. Either it was a poacher as moose season closed months ago or an aboriginal hunter that dumped it. In any case it was a stupid place to dump it. Kloya Bay makes so much more sense :wink: