
First snow, now wind.  Power just came back in the HTMF basement :smile:

I’m waiting for our first snowfall. New puppy he’s only seen snow once and it was a 1’x1’ pile out by exstew when he was 8wks old in may. He ate some of it then pee’d on it. Excited to see his reaction when the whole ground is covered.

  Much better he ate some before he pee’d on it… :smiley:  Good Puppy…Stay away from the yellow snow…LOL

He gets it, though he liked chewing devils club for some reason…  He also was the victim of my girlfriends mothers much bigger dog with dominance issues who decided my dog was his territory and marked him… every time we went there.

Thanks for the roller coaster ride, MiG.


Watching your video was like a crazy snow covered roller coaster ride through our city  :smiley: it was sweet