Where is this? The 2013 season!

It’s time to lighten up htmf a little bit. Let’s bring back htmf’s favorite message board game: Where is this?

For those who haven’t played it before, please read the game rules in the FAQ section: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7269#p151690

I need to warn you that MiG is hard to beat at that game. So MiG, don’t spoil it for others and send me a message if you find it before anyone has time to ask questions! :wink:

Here is the photo. No hints. And MiG, if you find it before the third question, send me a message.

No idea what it is, but it looks like a bad guy base from a 1960s James Bond movie.

That’s good that you don’t know before the first question.

Check your PMs :smile:

Is it Spring there now?

Is that salt water we see in the image?

[quote=“MiG”]Check your PMs :smile:

Is it Spring there now?[/quote]


19 to go!



Is it est timezone ?

Is this place land locked

Is it used to store toxic substances?

It’s in Lake Ketelmeer of the Netherlands.

“It is part of the world’s largest, most environmental friendly and technologically advanced dredging project which aims to clean the Ketelmeer”

armchairtravelogue.blogspot.ca/2 … -tank.html

Too Late, I won!!! Now where’s my prize???

[quote=“katray”]It’s in Lake Ketelmeer of the Netherlands.

“It is part of the world’s largest, most environmental friendly and technologically advanced dredging project which aims to clean the Ketelmeer”

armchairtravelogue.blogspot.ca/2 … -tank.html[/quote]

[quote=“Dex”]Is it used to store toxic substances?


No prize Dex, you get to post the next one but MiG had found it before asking any question!

I won’t tell you how but it isn’t difficult to do with Google. So that just basically killed the game :frowning:

Unless we work on the honour system :wink:

There are even easier ways than Google. I just right clicked on the image and clicked “Search image on TinEye” menu entry which returned sites with that image on it. TinEye has a browser plugin which adds this feature. tineye.com/

I still think I should win a pizza!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Since everyone has a digital camera these days why not take pictures locally and have people guess. Camera angles can be deceiving.

Why would you cheat at this anyways. Who would cheat ?

Was waiting for the next picture.

[quote=“Speedy”]Why would you cheat at this anyways. Who would cheat ?

Was waiting for the next picture.[/quote]

The honour system can work, I just think all participants should know the tools that can easily undermine the principles of this game before they decide to participate. I think my suggestion of personal local photographs would be a good solution though, and more fun as well.

I defer the honour of submitting a picture to the next poster on this thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Speedy”]Why would you cheat at this anyways. Who would cheat ?

Was waiting for the next picture.[/quote]

I don’t think it is cheating since the rules didn’t specify that you couldn’t use your technological know how to solve the puzzle.

Anyway, here is another photo. I checked both tinyeye and google images and it didn’t show up. So lets try it.

Twenty Questions.

Is their lots of nickle in the region?

Hey BigThumb, is this a screencapture from Google Earth or something like that? Google Maps? If I get close to guessing it, I’d like to be able to confirm. Like the good old days of scrolling down coastlines on Google Earth trying to find patterns.

Anyway, is it Spring there now?