Where is this? The 2013 season!

Not that I know of.

[quote=“MiG”]Hey BigThumb, is this a screencapture from Google Earth or something like that? Google Maps? If I get close to guessing it, I’d like to be able to confirm. Like the good old days of scrolling down coastlines on Google Earth trying to find patterns.

Anyway, is it Spring there now?[/quote]

Not from Google thingies! (not counting this as an answer since it is a technical detail.)

Yes, the current season there is considered spring.

18 questions left

Leaving for a few hours.

BigThumb, check this out: geoguessr.com/

Neat. Might try it with a bunch of students and see how they do.

Some places are really easy – you just find street signs, etc. But if you make it so you’re not allowed to use Google or other search engines, then it gets a bit tougher.

[quote=“MiG”]BigThumb, check this out: geoguessr.com/

Neat. Might try it with a bunch of students and see how they do.

Some places are really easy – you just find street signs, etc. But if you make it so you’re not allowed to use Google or other search engines, then it gets a bit tougher.[/quote]

Yes, I just saw that this morning. Strangely addictive.

I should have patented the game. Here is another variation: whereonthebluemarble.com/

No one wants to play anymore? We still have 18 questions left.

MiG, my best score at geoguessr.com/ was 102400 (or was it 10240). Here is the picture.
I’m not so hot at whereonthebluemarble.com/.