Where is this# 22?

Yup, kings bench debtors prison where William Smith, the grandfather of modern geology, spent about a year I think.

Sad tale. He did so much for the science of geology but he was only recognized for it in his later life. His contributions to science in general helped to advance science in general. But that’s another story.

I was just about to look into Geology. I knew that was your required taste in sciences, and I remembered you talking about the volcanoes and referring to geology 12. Ahh well wouldn’t of got it anyway.

When you said that he “partically” invented his field, I thought you were intentionally misspelling practically, and slipping in a reference to particles… I was looking at dudes who were all up on atomic theory, the inventor of the neutron, shit like that.

You have no idea how much time I spent looking for a Peter Cooper connection.

I was off to Scotland investigating Burke and Hare and the doctor who bought bodies from them.


Are you calling shennanigans?

Nah, but in all my googling, I used “-london” because there were too many hits from London.

But the painting is of a spot in London, and he answered that it wasn’t.

Or is it not in London?

PS, isn’t Shenannigans the name of the bar in Days of Our Lives?

Near as I can figure, Southwark (where the prison was located) is indeed a part of London.

Kyle: That does it! Shenanigans! SHENANIGANS!
Operator: Uh what are you doing?
Kyle: I’m declaring Shenanigans on you! This game is rigged!

I know, I had the same problem too. I found it by googling ‘’ famous British Scientists’’ and searched lists. I thought Lyell at first but then I remembered Smith.

I’m working on a new one right now. I will post it in a couple of hours so please don’t steal my spot.

Southwark is part of London?

Well paint me stupid. Sorry guys.

Bah, that’s like saying Dodge Cove is part of Prince Rupert.



I looked it up and was going to say the same thing, it appeared to me the prison is in London. However I don’t think that would of helped me much.

With a defeatist attitude like this you definitely need more cowbell.