What's with all the young moms out there

Sex and the city premieres on NTV tonight. yay.

just wait until the “L” word is played… i was timing out an episode and all of a sudden there was two naked chicks making out… and i was like " O_O HOLY SHIT… WE CAN AIR THIS?"

so apparently we will have an 18A show airing on NTV.

haha this topic was getting really lame.

I hate how Canadian TV is a year behind on most shows from other networks.

And what about those that can’t get a job and are already cut back enough?

prove that with FACTS.

You want me to prove an opinion with facts? That would completely ruin the point of it being an OPINION and would make it a FACT. Moron.


That hardly seems like an opinion to me, but rather someone using false information.

You’re opinion is useless when you have no facts to back up your main points.

OMG, you guys - gimme a break. All I’m saying, is that from what I have PERSONALLY seen, there have been more people abusing the system than using it honestly. I’m not saying that that is a FACT pertaining to ALL welfare recipients, merely the one’s that I have known. Shall I make myself any C L E A R E R?


I say, cut back on the DOLE and invest in job creation instead. But that’s only my opinion.

That hardly seems like an opinion to me, but rather someone using false information.

You’re opinion is useless when you have no facts to back up your main points.[/quote]

I have to disagree with you T-bone. Her opinion is the sentence: “I say, cut back on the DOLE and invest in job creation instead.” What precedes that, whether accurate or not, isn’t her opinion but the information on which she based it. As for her opinion being useless, it wouldn’t be the first thing posted on htmf that falls into this category-this post included!

My opinion wasn’t meant to be USEFUL for any intent or purpose, other than to act as a window into my thoughts and views on the subject. It wasn’t meant as FACT or useful information for anyone. Just an opinion; a thought. Jesus.

I’d rather have a knowledgeable opinion based on fact rather than on hearsay.

OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! I can’t even express my opinions unless I have educated, scientific, official Government proven FACTS, FIGURES, and fucking CHARTS!!! It’s an O P I N I O N; take it or leave it, either way it doesn’t matter 'cause I’m not trying to teach you the facts, merely speak my mind; I’m sorry if we don’t agree!!!

Line !!

Actually no one here is really saying you can’t express an opinion that isn’t based on facts or on an educated set of beliefs. What they ARE saying is that if you base your opinion on bullshit stereotypes you are going to get called to the mat for it. As much as you are angry for them jumping on you for expressing said bullshit opinion, this is an open forum and thus you should have expected people to disagree.

That is their right and their opinion afterall. :smiley:


Fair enough. My opinion isn’t based on bs though. I’m basing it on the 10 or so personal aquaintences of mine that are on the dole, and the 9 of them who are out right abusing the system. Obviously I realize that this is an incredibly minute portion of the actual total amount of welfare recipients and thus doesn’t SCIENTIFICALLY mean squat. However, from what I have SEEN, it gets abused more than it gets used honestly. That’s all I’m trying to say.

I keep telling people the earth is flat and they ridcule me too. I’m with the Lady.


When you morons get what I’m trying to say.

We get it, it is just our opinion based upon facts that you are dumb.

Ah, the good old HTMF flame war.

A couple of observations:

  • When you call your opponents names, they win the argument. If you can’t refute arguments without resorting to the ad hominem attack, then you lose.

  • Repeating the same thing over and over and over again doesn’t make it right. This is Canada, not the USA. Nobody is going to be convinced by repetition.

  • On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog. The last thing you should do is make assumptions about the people with whom you’re arguing. Very few of us are actually 12-year old geeks (though you’d have a hard time telling that from some of our writing!).