Third Street market

Nah, I’m just being an ass right now.  :imp:

Heh-heh :smiley:

The 3rd Ave merchants were not consulted either (at least not all of them) I was not. And I don’t think it is fair to say that they are Pro 3rd Ave merchants either. I think they are just Pro certain Merchants.
And for your information there are stores (like mine) that do adjust our hours accordingly to the Cruise Ship passengers.
When the tourists do come into my store, I hear all about how there is nothing to do in Prince Rupert. They get off the boat and are left to fend for themselves. They all go to Cow Bay eventually or have already been there by the time they get to my store. It doesn’t take them very long and they have seen everything. The boat is here for 6+ hours.
I agree that the 3rd street market is not the best idea, it even lured business from my store and I am on 3rd Ave. But do you have any other ideas???  Where else should the Ambassadors be sending them? They come here and the highlight of their trip is Starbucks. Pretty sad:-(

well next year there looks like only one cruise ship a week…

soon like before there will none…

Who cares, 2nd ave is like driving in Van… All 3rd ave is diverted to 2nd…
Whos stupid idea is this… fire them! [/quote]

Good Idea, we’ll all have an opportunity to do just that in the upcoming elections, Our fearless leader Hollywood Herbie is said to have overruled staff recommendations and moved the venue from Mariners Park to third avenue. Even the market organizers would like to see it at the park… Go Figure eh?

Personally, I think the idea of an open air market is fabulous. My understanding was that the market concept was ment to appeal to both visitors and locals alike, thus the fresh produce for sale. Considering two of the biggest complaints from the Cruise Ship Passengers was a lack of shopping and a lack of interaction with locals the market is a great idea.
I agree that there was a HUGE lack of consultation and communication with merchants AND residents alike and despite this being pointed out prior to the first market day, it appears that communication isn’t a priority with some of the organizers.

Never has been much with the City Council this time around. Where and who is bringing the fresh produce or is it just going to be Tomatoes? Its the Pond way or no way. the park would be the best local to set up but in reality it is all another smoke and mirrors thing trying to promote Rupert and lie to the world about the Pond boom. I wonder how he is sitting with the news that we have the highest unemployment in BC. Does he care?

I cant wait for the accidents to start happening everything Thursday because of the insane traffic on 2nd ave

Have you ever  been out of Prince Rupert??  Go to Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton or even Kelowna! There is no insane traffic in Rupert…only the odd idiot driver, usually wearing an ‘N’.

LOL@ insane traffic…  I was just down in Vancouver that is insane traffic…

Heh-heh, yeah I was down there a little while ago.  People drive like idiots in Richmond, Vancouver.
There are no traffic problems in this town.

I was almost hit by two cabs in the last week

Good to hear you didn’t get hurt. 

I was almost hit by two cabs in the last week[/quote]

don’t j-walk :neutral_face:

Can anyone say… cooks jewelers