The 5th Avenue Riot

I just got home after being detoured form the area.  I came here to find out what was going on.  That’s pretty crazy stuff! :astonished:

Cab driver told me that a police officer was sent to hospital. Hopefully he or she is okay.

We are no longer 67  :smile:

it is great how all the Great citizens, the cab drivers,and the police of this great town are so in “tune” with each other :smiley:    glad that everything has settled…I know there are probly a few htmf are sitting at there computers  :smile:  have a safe night everyone

Can’t really have a ‘HUGE riot’ without Petrol bombs! Probably more like a drunken scuffle like at your average football (soccer) game in the UK every weekend in most cities!

Guess they dont like the HST coming ??

Kind of interested in finding out who was involved,Teens or adults. I know it does not make much difference at this point but someone should or must of been in charge. They are probably fed up as all of us citizens at the city politics no show.

Isn’t there a Seniors Complex on 5th.? Feel sorry for those residents and can’t we just wait until we get the “true” facts in this scenario or we’ll end up with another “Podunkian Tale” thread  :unamused:

I am across the road from the Senior’s complex and we didn’t hear anything.

Where’s Pete Lester when we need him?  In the olden days he would have just read the Riot Act and everyone would have turned tail and gone home. 

Being out at the bar, and knowing some of the taxi drives, they had spilled the beans on who’s house it was. but I am still not saying any names…I still think that it is just insane  :confused:

Thats right there are seniors in training on the other side of the street, glad to hear you people are alright. Seniors in training are very important to a community such as ours.

So true about The Late Great Peter Lester, he knew how to get things done and how to run a community. Did he not read the riot act twice in his days or was it just the once?

If there were windows being smashed, people screaming and yelling and whatever else happening, how on earth could all that have been going down and thankfully no one near the Seniors Complex heard anything at all? The Complex is not far from McBride on 5th. is it? I am glad they were not disturbed though.

it was teens and young adults! and some of the young females were breaking the car windows and jumping on the police cars then posing for pics.
how dumb can you be?

it was in the 100 block of 5th

Keep you eye on Facebook I guess!

Get with the program , 5th. ave is an interesting and long street.

ill wait for those pics to be posted on facebook lol

The Podunkian has a write up about it. Pretty nasty  :astonished: