Subway Eat behind bars

Even though I think that the responsibility lies with the RCMP in this issue.[/quote]

How much does City Council (and the Mayor) direct municipal policing priorities?  Why is traffic such a huge priority in Rupert, but not in Terrace?  Who made that decision and directed them?

I’m pretty sure that the RCMP acts as autonomously (is that the word I want–I think so) as possible. As such, I doubt that Council ever gave the local RCMP a formal directive to increase traffic control. Even then, it could just be a fluke. It’s possible that there were never any instructions given to the local RCMP Officers–they could just be trigger-happy with their ticket fingers.

Am I wrong? I’m flying in the dark here–I’m totally open to the possibility that Council did instruct the RCMP to ramp up traffic control.

I do not blame RCMP because I know first Hand they are very limited due to lack of staffing, they are trying to address some of the bullshit but if the city would give them the right stuff to raise their staff and not go around losing millions we would have a nicer downtown. I am happy to see the bars up and tourist can see what is going on. I feel sorry for the owner of Subway and that he must go that way. I must also say that some of thi9s is being caused by so called adults in the community , the ones who never grew up or should not be drinking. The RCMP has caught a few of the youth in question as well, but we do know how youth court works. Again the city council are not prepared to deal with this crap still to busy selling what this city is not and will not be for a few more years. I say Pond is going for the lIbErAl vote come may or whenever, he will make bullshit promises to get his seat beside GORDO.

I believe there are a couple of RCMP members who are on Maternity leave.

First it’s the responsibility of the shop owner, now it’s the responsibility of the police. Just say both from now instead of being confusing. =P

P.S Dilemma is used incorrectly.

  1. a situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives.
  2. any difficult or perplexing situation or problem.

Using number 2, you idiot.

Both the shop owners and the RCMP need to step it up–but at the bottom line business people need to understand that life isn’t fair.

I mean, this IS Subway we’re talking about. They’re doing quite well. No advertising costs, no need to make a menu or hire a chef. As far as restaurants go, the’re not doing so badly.

Whether a business is prosperous should have no bearing on how we view them as a victim of crime, Eccentric.
While I can understand the reason behind the new hardware on the windows, I feel it is unfortunate both for the business owners that this has become necessary. It’s definitely not pretty to look at although the “wake up prince rupert” plywood wasn’t much more attractive.
Just as a side note, my understanding is that most of the damage to Subway windows has been as a result of those exiting a nearby watering hole as opposed to “kids”.

I agree–even if we go around arresting kids I have a feeling that it’s actually Surf patrons doing most of the damage.

I also agree with you about my comments regarding Subway. I’m not saying that they should be treated any differently. I’m just saying that out of all the local businesses that we could pick to make a thread about and talk about how hard life is, Subway wouldn’t be my first choice.

Why wouldn’t Subway be your first choice?

They appear to be honest tax paying citizens (I believe you earlier said that you work at the pool, so they uh, pay towards your salary there), who seem to have been more than patient with a deteriorating situation in the downtown area for many months.

Where are the businesses located that you feel should be your first choice? It would be interesting to see where you draw your line as to who we should show interest in.

Whether the problems are caused by bored kids or drunken idiots is moot, the simple fact is that they are damaging property in your city, and yet you don’t seem too interested in trying to solve the problem.

Wow, just think, people like eccentric have the right to vote.


That’s not sad, that’s democracy.

When’ll you get to vote—4 years from now? Then we’ll talk.

I already vote thanks.

It’s really disturbing that you aren’t willing to address issues that are obviously a big part of this community. You just chalk it all up to “hey that’s life, deal with it”

I work at Subway, and I don’t think the owners deserve to have their windows broken. Nor should any buisness.

Pull your head out of your butt.

Found a self portrait of the opposition…

[attachments over a year old automatically deleted]

I pictured their prosterior as much larger in my mind…

Read earlier in the thread. I never said anything about owners deserving to have windows broken. Straw men hold little weight.


No, but your attitude towards it shows how little you care. It doesn’t matter WHO is getting their windows broken, whether it be a residential area or a buisness area, it’s an issue in our community and it NEEDS to be dealt with. By the city, not whomever may be getting their windows broken. Subway has done ALOT in their battle with broken windows, but the city doesn’t care.

And neither do YOU eccentric. It’s sad that you get to vote, I sincerely hope that there aren’t more people with your mindset. If there are, there really is no hope for Prince Rupert, or humanity for that matter.

What is your solution?

Maybe the presence of some type of authority on the streets? Which I doubt will happen because we seem to have a shortage of cops despite our crime rate.