Street worker bracing for gang influx

What is your point that you cant stand to be proven wrong?  Your metrics for success are fucked. I am a success I lead a happy balanced life that includes recreational drugs.

I spend my days doing things I enjoy that includes when at work.  I am in the best shape of my life, have a disposable income which allows me to vacation/do what I please.

I’ve graduated university and am well on my way to a long successful career.  I don’t use drugs to cope with anything I use them for enjoyment/relaxation. I don’t have anything bad happening in my life for all intensive purposes my life is perfect. Not bad  for a so called “druggy”.

So tell me how am I unsuccessful?  What I’m not married with kids?  Well that may happen one day but for now I’d rather fuck blond/red headed bimbos until the right woman comes along.

Now that I’ve taken my time to respond to your idiocy I am going to go out and smoke a joint and socialize with some cute girls.


I gotta agree, you sound like an anal shitbag. Take the drug using out of that same criteria and three quarters of society fails on at least a few of those. Not only that, its somewhat arrogant to imply a standard criteria for happiness for others, who in the fuck appointed you an authority on another’s happiness? You sound like a christian, I know it, only you motherfuckers would have the arrogance to suggest an actual list of criteria for others happiness, you should add watching a church burn to the ground as you watch smoking a hazer in that list, sure would float my boat ya self righteous asshole

1.  Holds a decent job and does not depend on others for handouts
– Gee I wish I could do that. Guess I need to start using to fit the pigeonhole
2.  Contributes to society
– Unt vee will decide vat’s contributing.
3.  Has an intact family
– Hand me a joint man, I’m a failure again.
4.  Has decent kids who don’t drop out of school, commit crimes etc
– Make that a line of coke…
5.  Is generally happy
– Happy, happy, joy, joy!
6.  Takes care of his body, exercises and maintains his health
– Donut and a double-double. Jocks and people in uniform serve only to protect and entertain me.
7.  Has good relations with family, co-workers neighbours etc.
– I’ll sleep with them all.
8.  Has some spiritual beliefs whether religious or otherwise and honours those beliefs
– Even if that belief is that all religions are lies?
9.  Has interests hobbies music or sports that he is involved in
– I check out all the soccer Moms…
10. If he dropped dead tomorrow would genuinely be missed
– 2,000 Windoze users in the area would be completely fucked. I guess I qualify for that one.

That’s really a pretty warped set of values there dude.

Well fudge what you’re saying is just a bunch of hooey.  Just doesn’t have the same effect as “well fuck what you’re saying is just a bunch of shit”.  Now does it.  Deal with it or you best be leaving the internets.

Thats very true, unfortunately for you you attacked me, my life, and my values. Civilized discussion pretty much goes out the window at that point.  Disagree with me all you want fact of the matter the only crime that exists around pot is DIRECTLY related to the fact its illegal.

Yup, spiritual people smoke the peace pipe, religious people smoke the priests pipe.

I’m just unclear why it has to be an all or nothing kind of argument here. Is it so hard to figure out that some people react poorly to drugs and others do not? The example is already out there in Alcohol. People abuse it to varying degree’s, but others are able to be responsible with it. I’ve seen the same thing happen with pot.

It surely amuses me though to see you fools ripping each other to shreds, when really neither of you are correct. Carry on though. Do carry on.

Unfortunately for you I am correct in everything I’ve said. Yes there are some people who cant handle pot and they shouldn’t smoke it just like some people shouldn’t drink alcohol, take sleeping pills or drive a car. Thats no reason for the activity to be illegal for ALL people.

If you come in here with a jaded ignorant point of view that all people who smoke pot are useless scum you’re damn right I am going to call you out on it.

Call me a fool, call me stupid I’m still right. Fact of the matter is if drugs were able to be obtained LEGALLY the criminal element wouldn’t be involved anymore or at least to a lesser extent.  Not only that but you wouldn’t have people overdosing because they don’t know the quality of the shit they got from the crack head down the street. You wouldn’t have people getting aids from dirty needles. If the drugs were affordable you wouldn’t have people stealing shit to feed their drug habit. 

I am not saying we should legalize all drugs in one fell swoop, try it out with pot its harmless. See how it goes and move from there.  Look what happened when alcohol prohibition ended the criminal element was taken away. Shocking! 

Why are drugs illegal again? because they ruin lives? no they are illegal because the pharmaceutical companies have lobbied our government. They are illegal because of ignorant retards like trilinearmipmap and the uneducated tripe they spew.

I have been watching this thread for some time. It’s an interesting thread 4 sure, with valid points for and against the legalization of drugs. I’m still on the fence on it, I don’t do drugs that’s a personal choice I made. I also don’t try to condone (people who smoke the pot) People I do condone are the hard drugs users who do METH, COKE, HEROIN… These drugs do affect our society in a negative way, regardless we need look beyond what the USA is doing and come up with our own plan, more along the lines of the European countries are doing. 
When it comes to drug policy, the goal in Europe is simple: pragmatic harm reduction. Marijuana is considered a soft drug, like booze and tobacco — a health problem, important to regulate, but not worth locking people up over. Europe respects the intellect of its society by tackling its drug problem thoughtfully — not by employing a “reefer madness”-type propaganda that erodes the credibility of parents, teachers, cops, and health professions, but by embracing honest discourse that earns the trust of the people who need help. Rather than being “hard on drugs,” Europe chooses to be "smart on drugs.
A bit on Amsterdam.
Not many of the hookers in Amsterdam’s Red Light District are Dutch, and relatively few denizens of the smoking coffee shops are Dutch. Authorities distinguish between soft drugs like cannabis, considered unlikely to cause addiction or pose a serious health risk, and hard drugs like heroin and cocaine, which are addictive and significantly deleterious to users’ health. Both types are illegal, but the law is tougher on hard drugs. Dealers who import and export drugs face 4 years in jail for soft drugs and 12 years for hard drugs.

We here in the Americans are a bit over zealous; we need to throw some of those high Christian moral’s out the window. The war on drugs is being lost, it’s time for a different strategy that does not incarcerate every drug user, and crack head dealer.
Well that my 2 ½ cents…

careful as in ‘i’d be careful about how i talk about different groups and clubs in a public forum’ is what i meant by careful. 

Gosh darn blankety heck. Over fourty years being accused as a criminal and an invalid citizen because I will indulge in a toke every 2 -6 years.

Gosh, what was I doing expecting progress? I should beg for forgiveness and join the March Back To Pleasantville. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually my Sarcasometer was on the fritz … sorry MiG

… and I will take the brownies …

… got budder?

The news item about the mental illness link for pot was from BCTV. Yes, very FOX-like, but is the kind of thing the anti-pot propagandists like to throw out (and quite untrue).

Paranoia at its finest.  You don’t seem to understand how things work, I can SAY whatever I want about the hells angels as a group, on a forum there will be no repercussions.  Should I start calling out individual members then there would be trouble.

Personally I’m 50/50 on which is a better criminal gang the RCMP/Hells angels.

       Typical christian behavior, focus on the words you find offensive rather than address whats actually being said, gutless backstepping cause you know your wrong is what that is, I have seen it a billion times. You claim atheists are unhappy drug addicts, if they have no belief in magical deities to beg favours from they must be unhappy. Second, you went for the throat when you stated anyone who uses any type of drug is a lazy, useless, unreliable and unhappy type of person, including pot smokers.
       As you can see the pot smokers have taken notice of your offensive comments and gave you some facts that dont agree with your “theory”. Lets call weed “chevy’s” and liquor “toyotas”, you are saying anyone who drives the chevy will fall into this list of traits one needs to be defined as “happy”, the fact they drive a chevy tells everything about them, they even use the words “shit, fuck, motherfucker, asshole” , childish fools, its all because of the chevy, yet we are the supposed unhappy childish ones, ya ok.
     I see other members claim to not use “drugs”, yet I see photos of them on the net of them with their lovely child in one hand, a beer can in the other, hypocrite? You tell me, relace that beer can with a joint and the ministry would come calling because there is a big difference right? One is well documented to increase violent irrational harmful behavior, the other promotes companionship, sharing, peace and acceptance, one has caused the premature death of millions, the other…not one single instance of organ failure, not one. I know many many pot smokers and the overwhelming majority do not use any other drugs and are decent, well adjusted, friendly kind hearted people who intend no harm to anyone, they make good neighbors and are caring, loyal people, the claim they are all unhappy and lazy is just plain untrue. I truly believe in the future society will look back these days and wont believe the way people were treated because they smoked  pot, it will be viewed as nothing short of a witchhunt, as that is what it is. I think begging invisible, magical deities for favours is a sign one isnt happy with ones life, not if they need magical intervention to change things for them on a daily basis, to be assured life after death as they are afraid of going to hell, doesnt sound like much fun or happy times to me,  psychology 101 calls that “magical thinking” and is definded as a type of psychosis. I could go on for quite a while but its so nice out I think I’ll roll a hazer and walk my puppy, gotta make sure none of that happiness creeps up on me, I’ll end this with a gift for you of moral supereority: “Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker and Tits”. Aint original but I’m sure it will have the desired effect, off to have a miserable time in the sun… :wink:__

seems like you don’t fucken understand…be careful what you say about organizations and clubs…there are always repercussions…a blanket term that you used is more then enough…and i’m not paranoid about shit, i just know a few things about a few things, and can tell you that i know people who will take great insult to what you said.  leave it at that. 

Is that a threat?

Anyway they take offense to me stating the fact they’re criminals?  or were you referring to my “shitbags” comment? that wasnt directly applied to the hells angels I was referring to the little bastards that are unaffiliated with them. I guess you could apply it to some of the HA but I’ve never really had a problem with them.

Either way I dont really give a flying fuck  if someone wants to harm/murder me over comments over the internet then they’re a fucking retarded shitbag HA or not.

This is a post I can respect and agree with, and I appologise for my assuptions. I not only know people who have been harmed by narcotic addiction, it happened to me and is a lifelong struggle, smoking grass is the only thing I do these days, and compared to where I have been it is so insignificant in affecting my life that to consider it a narcotic is somewhat dishonest, when the law was created it was actually its fibre they wanted to be rid of so they cooked up this “its a dangereous drug” bullshit.
      Hemp fibre was their real enemy, it threatened dupont’s investment into softwood kraft pupling, coincidentally dupont’s daughter happened to be engaged to a knob named henry anslinger, my spelling may be wrong but shitbag henry was high in the opiate/narcotic agency that had been just recently created, shortly after mr. dupont spent his fortune developing the pulping process a swiss guy I think it was developed a process that made a simular, stronger pulp fibre from hemp that came from an annual crop, this meant there was no need to mow down north america’s old growth forests as you can reuse the same land every year, hemp grows in a year what a tree takes fourty years and made a better final product.
  Dupont faced losing his entire fortune to the superior technology but then the newly appointed drug czar marries his daughter and poof the entire plant becomes a dangereous illegal drug. It saved his father in law’s family fortune and society as a whole along with the environment has paid an huge price for it even since, this is the truth of how grass became an illegal dangereous drug, it was all bullshit right from the start. Do your own reasearch, dont believe me, this is easy to find information thanks to the net.

The repeal of alcohol prohibition began in Canada, province by province, beginning with Quebec in 1920.

In the US it happened in 1933.

The city of Owen Sound, Ontario, held out well into the '70s.

I disagree that it can’t be done. They still need our oil.

We muss nevah offend our massah’s. Dey might beat us.
If’n he say “Put dat boy Emery in jail” and “We sailin’ oil tankers up yo inside passage” you bess be sayin’, yessuh!

get your facts right dude , china has a bigger army then USA, so to say that the americans have a bigger army then the rest of the combined world is a bit far stretching.

China and what with the port in  Rupert making it that much easier to ship goods to Asia…

Basically what you’re saying is you’re a pussy and you want to bow to the US?  I disagree with that logic. Let them bankrupt themselves with their wars on emotions, drugs etc.  Following them down that road is down right retarded.

So so true Jesus, that would be a very silly move but leave it to Harper for a few years and he will gladly do as Obama do. I had an American tell me once that they are the reason why we are free, now I went crazy on her and said no it is because we know how to keep our mouths shut and we do not march onto countries in the name of peace.