Street worker bracing for gang influx

Why the f#%*& am I getting more minus in my aura. Some people ? Yes, I do not call down the pot smoker it is the Hard Drug that scares the shit out of me.

   It is understandable you having that view, it is typical and to a certain degree acurate. I have much personal experience in this subject, more than I want thats for sure. It is an undeniable fact that addictive drug use will impare your abillity to be reliable, it affects your relationships with everyone, family, friends, everyone. The difference here I think is that smoking grass for most people isnt an addiction, they can take it or leave it anytime they want, it is something they do late at night or at social gatherings, it isnt addictive behavior so it doesnt effect their work life or relationships.
     This is why there are many people who are of the opinion that smoking grass isnt quite the same as the use of harder, more addictive substances and I would agree. Think of the reasons a person smokes grass, boredom, novelty, social bonding, these are very common reasons they give when asked. Now ask a opiate or meth addict that same question, the answers are drasticly different, they will say they use because they hate their life, they hate themselves and feel powerless to change that, they secretly wish someone would kill them as they havnt the guts to do it themselves, the drug is the only thing that gives them relief from those feelings, I personally suspect the lions share have undiagnosed, untreated depression. These are broken, defeated people trapped by a disease quite a bit different from the average pot smoker and as such should be treated differently from a social as well as legal standpoint. The drugs did not make them feel that way, the feelings of being worthless usually are present first, the using is a symptom of other problems that are being buried rather than dealt with. Myself personally I dont think pot smoking is done for the same reasons and as such should be viewed differently but thats just my opinion.

:smiley: IIRC they classified it as a performance enhancing drug and well I agree. One of my friends convinced me to have a couple tokes before skiing and I must say it was one of my best performances ever. 

Anyway I’m off to consume illegal drugs in order to sleep for my night shift.

Arrest me  :wink:

Ross Rabligatti?

What about scientists like Carl Sagan?

… and writers like Pierre Berton?

Sorry Mig … you gotta get your facts straight, not deal from your personal opinion.

Recently I watched a news report that claimed pot causes schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. The fact is that pot can trigger some of these things, however they are pre-existing conditions. There is no direct causal link.

um… I was being sarcastic?  I was making your point for you. 

But unfortunately you’re making the anti-pot smoker’s point now :wink: 

LOL, perhaps Soggy needs a few brownies to go with his paranoia there… :wink:

Post hoc ergo propter hoc–after therefore because of.  One of the most common and insipid logical fallacies.  Just because two things happen together doesn’t mean that one caused the other.  In fact, it’s entirely possible that the pot smoking was caused by the schizophrenia–the person was simply using marijuana to self-medicate because they found it was the only thing that made the symptoms go away.  So far, I’ve never read any study that has conclusively proven that such drug use causes such mental illnesses.

Hush now, you and your hippy talk are contributing to the downfall of our fine nation! Next  you will tell us when alcohol is consumed in moderation there are no negative effects on society!  Blasphemy! 

I think this original post has gone a stray. Pot and pot smokers have never been known to B&E , sell their asses for a joint, break into a fight or break windows. So we are on a total new area I think but I must be careful with what I think.

I’ll bring it back on topic then, legalize prostitution and drugs and the criminal gangs will have no further reason to come into Rupert. 

The reason most addicts of harder substances commit crimes (not all do by the way) is because of the sheer cost of the drugs on the street.  Legalize it, lower the cost and crime will drop its a logical progression.

As for prostitution well who really gives a fuck if some girl over 18 wants to sell herself to make a few bucks. Most of the girls in Rupert are giving it away all around town for free already anyway.  For those of you who think selling sex is immoral well take your religious moral compass and shove it up your ass.

K thx.

Then stop watching FOXNEWS…

LoL, this is a great topic.  I have been checking in to see the new posts.  once when I was I think 18 or 19 I was outside my door on the step smoking a join, 6 in the morning. waiting to go to start my day.  I figured "who would be out at 6a.m. walking around? not a whole lot of people.  Just one lady walking down the street, as she passed she looked over and smiled, “I’d give anything for a toke, ahhh the good ol’ days” I offered but she refused and kept on strolling down the street.  weed is a great thing and if I can’t sleep or work nights i’ll smoke weed,  i’m just not as brave as before and able to smoke it while walking down the street, or outside my house anymore.  it’s usually in the computer room with the window open and fan on.  I find myself now thinking… “ahhh the good ol’ days” but nothings changed.

LoL, this is a great topic.  I have been checking in to see the new posts.  once when I was I think 18 or 19 I was outside my door on the step smoking a join, 6 in the morning. waiting to go to start my day.  I figured "who would be out at 6a.m. walking around? not a whole lot of people.  Just one lady walking down the street, as she passed she looked over and smiled, “I’d give anything for a toke, ahhh the good ol’ days” I offered but she refused and kept on strolling down the street.  weed is a great thing and if I can’t sleep or work nights i’ll smoke weed,  i’m just not as brave as before and able to smoke it while walking down the street, or outside my house anymore.  it’s usually in the computer room with the window open and fan on.  I find myself now thinking… “ahhh the good ol’ days” but nothings changed.

Weed is pretty widely accepted in Kelowna so I still smoke outside my place.  People occasionally give me funny looks but for the most part they’re friendly stop and say hi which for this town is impressive. When I’m not smoking weed people pass me by or are rude as fuck.

Before smoking pot I was one of the “drugs are bad mmmkay” crowd because of the propaganda I heard in school. After trying it I realized it was all lies, in fact I prefer pot to alcohol now.

Occasionally when its warm out and I’ve had a stressful week i’ll eat a couple of mushroom caps and go for a hike in the bush.  It’s amazing how that will relax you.

I dont find myself thinking “ahh the good ol days” because for me these are the good ol days.  Newly single, have disposable income, and live in paradise (other than it being the most unaffordable place to live in Canada haha). I spend my weekends skiing with Aussies and my weekdays at the gym/rock climbing.

This summer I am taking a rally driving course, skydiving and possibly going to Mexico in the fall.

All this while smoking weed and eating magic mushrooms, sure sounds like they’re harmful and ruin your life. 

althought there may be increased organized crime in rupert, there wont’ be street gangs.  two reasons for that

  1. street gangs dont’ run drugs through ports…those are organized crime units
  2. there are no increased customers to share

people who write that shit in the paper talk to cops (who have even less of a clue then they do) and business owners, but here is the reality.

if organized crime increased there, all those street urchants that do nothing but destroy rupert, will be taken care of, so in fact, they will do what the cops don’t. 

Not really.  They will be a bit more controlled but they will still be there.  Kelowna has a lot of hells angels and the shitbags are still on the streets.

I think this fear of gang influx is well over blown…
The growth of Rupert is just not occuring at a rate that it needs to be a concern


Whats there to be careful of? stating the obvious?  when they setup a clubhouse and its all over the news, the cops are aware its pretty obvious they’re here.

In all honesty the HA are the least of my concerns. The bigger concern is the crackheads down the street.

Rupert has nothing to worry about.

Not really. They’re already there. You really think a busy shipping port is the only way to bring in drugs?

1.  Holds a decent job and does not depend on others for handouts
I may 65k/yr, more than doubled my salary in 2 years.  I dont require handouts.

2.  Contributes to society
I donate and do charitable work and am generally active in my community.

3.  Has an intact family
My family is in tact

4.  Has decent kids who don’t drop out of school, commit crimes etc
At this point in my life I dont have/want kids but likely will at some point. Cant say whether they will commit crimes but I’ll do my best to raise them right

5.  Is generally happy
I couldnt be more happy with my life. I havent had a day I didnt enjoy since I started smoking pot again a year ago.

6.  Takes care of his body, exercises and maintains his health

I’ve lost 100 pounds in the past year, I go to teh gym and am physically active everyday

7.  Has good relations with family, co-workers neighbours etc.

I talk to my family on a regular basis. My co-workers are some of my best friends in this town.  I dont get along with my neighbors but thats because they are douche bags.

8.  Has some spiritual beliefs whether religious or otherwise and honours those beliefs

How is this relevant to being successful at life? your priorities are fucked.

9.  Has interests hobbies music or sports that he is involved in

Absolutely, Skiing, rock climbing, gym, skydiving, canoeing, fishing, hiking etc.

  1. If he dropped dead tomorrow would genuinely be missed

I’ve been told multiple times I am not allowed to die so I guess I’d be missed.

Your criteria for success are seriously warped but I meet most of them.  Really the only criteria that matter in that list are 5. 6 and 7.

You will be happy to know I’ve decided you’re just ignorant not stupid.