Simpsons episodes for download

Insane in the membrane, even.

If you mean the loud and obnoxious white dude with the mustache, I think so. I pretty much just keep on walking if he’s on shift.

i fuckin hate how they correlate the name on my atm card to their database system, fuck off, you tricked me once into entering a contest and scammed my address and name into your database, but i DO NOT FUCKING CONSENT TO YOU READING THE NAME ON MY ATM CARD AND ENTERING IT INTO THE DATABASE.

I’ma win $100 with this lil’ guy

I fought with RS on this issue years ago. I went to purchse some little something (I forget what) and the guy asked for my name and address. I said what for? I’m paying cash…he said he needed it. I said no you dont, now let me buy my shit and leave. We argued about it so I finally made some stupid shit up on the spot and did not give my real address.

Apparently it (was) policy to ask for name/addr but they have stopped doing it. And I think if you write/ask them they will remove your name from their database. There was an issue about this a while back too.

I eventually had to give them my real name/addr as I bought some pricey scanner stuff about 9 yrs ago and paid with a CC and needed to register for warranty too.

When the radio shack guy asks me my name, I tell him it’s

Samir Nayanajaad.

Then I spell it for him.

pc load letter?

[quote=“Alpine Scrub”]whats with the retards who feel its necessary for me to talk as stupidly as them?

fuck off you pedestrians.[/quote]

Oh so you think you are on some sort of higher level cuz u drive that little piece of shit truck, calling us pedestrians, too funny. Obviously you missed the bus!

Is that some sort of slang pedestrian dialect?


[quote=“Alpine Scrub”]whats with the retards who feel its necessary for me to talk as stupidly as them?

fuck off you pedestrians.[/quote]

Oh so you think you are on some sort of higher level cuz u drive that little piece of shit truck, calling us pedestrians, too funny. Obviously you missed the bus![/quote]

i dont have a truck, yet.

i was using another meaning of pedestrian:

pe·des·tri·an (p-dstr-n)
A person traveling on foot; a walker.

Of, relating to, or made for pedestrians: a pedestrian bridge.
Going or performed on foot: a pedestrian journey.
Undistinguished; ordinary: pedestrian prose. See Synonyms at dull.[/quote]

so, uhm, w3rd yourself up.

feel free to make fun of my little piece of shit truck when I get it, I’ll be crying all the way to the bank where i cash my “what people think of me” tokens.

I found this thread after searching for Simpsons episodes to download.

No info but a lot of sad, pimply-faced nerds hunched over their PCs slinging puerile shit at each other.

Does anyone have any sensible info to add on the original topic? IE Downloading Simpsons episodes. Other than through kazaa

Wow, talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

Man, that shits whack!

Rypoo, you should totally come over and have a burger later.