Simpsons episodes for download

The RIAA can still find you if you’re using kazaalite dumbass.

not us canadians

The Internet doesn’t have borders in the traditional sense.

You mean you can’t tell what is Canadian internet and American internet.
Doesn’t Canadian internet say “eh” a lot more?

huihuhuuhhhuhuhu funny one duder

it means the RIAA doesnt have jurisfuckingdiction outside of the usa

i think

You think?

yes, i think, i havent heard of anyone in canada getting jacked by the riaa or mpaa or whoever the fuck it is nabbing your through kazaa, have you?


Maybe not sued outright, but who’s to say they haven’t performed off-the-record denial of service attacks and the like?


RIAA = Recording Industry Association of America

So more than likely they don’t have jurisdiction in Canada

Are you all insane? There is no boundary’s when it comes to the record and film companies. There has been a huge antipiracy crackdown going on in china for the last 5 years. If they dont get you in canada our government sure as hell will eventually. And i have never seen the canadian gov fight with us when it comes to intellectual property. And as far as the RIAA having the word “america” in it means nothing. Last time i checked Canada was in North AMERICA genius. And also the MPAA which has to deal with the film companies have definately put people away for overseas bootlegging. Im sure RIAA can do the same. Crossing or living across a boarder is no safety anymore.

ahh, i hate guests, especially when they bring up old posts

there is a distinction in using others works for your profit and enjoying others works at no profit to them.

if any of you guys know anything about Canadian law it would be different.

Shorty answer- People are ALLOWED to download but NOT ALLOWED to share.

thus make sure your not sharing any files and you will be ok living in Canada. RIAA can’t do jack to you.

whaaaaat?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I think you need to reword that in order for it to make sense. Instead of blabbing on and trying to make it sound good, use plain english. U make an even bigger ass of yourself when you TRY SO HARD!

whats with the retards who feel its necessary for me to talk as stupidly as them?

fuck off you pedestrians.

[quote=“Alpine Scrub”]whats with the retards who feel its necessary for me to talk as stupidly as them?

fuck off you pedestrians.[/quote]

huh? seriously, who the hell did you learn english from.

Yeah, do tell.

Don’t end your sentence with a preposition. That’s bad English.

Is your shift key broken?

I just realized how insane it is to let criticism of my english usage on an internet forum even register in my brain, especially from someone who uses “U” to start off a sentence.