Re: Watson Island Sale?

So are we to find out to-nite who is on the buyers list for the mill property?Sure hope it is Canpotex…will probably be in camera…

yes that would be a good buyer, but i think not cause somebody already payed a whack of money for the land just past the stupid non operating sulfer plant at ridley they have already surveyed the land and have drilled in the ocean for where the dock / tie up will be
probably a spent $100,000 or more i figure so if it doesnt go through dont cry lol the moneys already been spent ha ha ha

Haven’t heard that a decision was going to be today.

They say if you don’t learn from history … you’re doomed to repeat it

Well the reason for my question was for my own information as I can’t recall who was in the Mayor’s and city manager’s seat when our council allowed the taxes to go in arrears and who made a handshake deal with the BC govt for that kind of money.

I believed this predated Mr. Pond’s tenure as Mayor although he may have been on council. 

Well before the Pond era there was Jacko and then Don Scott I believe. I do not recall Mr. Scott making any big or sudden handshakes while he was in there. I do remember he put together a form of gathering in regards to social issue affect or community and the end results sat on a shelf somewhere collecting dust. Now we have a situation in regards to social issues and its dust and hot air.



You are becoming so much of a broken record.

Pray that the fail town will implode?.. wow.

Well,it seems that there were some intresting offers made as council spent a few hours going over the proposals.(in camera)Cross our fingers that they pick the best one!

This is going to be interesting.

So who are the interested companies and consortiums?

So, has West Coast Amusements put in their offer or not?

What about Disney? How much did they bid??  :smiley:

As long as the land sits unused, I will not give up the dream of Disneyland in my backyard  :wink:

we will know in a week or two it looks

looks good for what being sold ? thats happened before and we got screwed anyway . has to be the right buyer .

rumors ive heard for buyers is
native band cant remember what one lol

be nice to see maher buy it for container storage

partnership and the city will be in good shape
good news will be coming prince Rupert very soon.

your posting your good news on every thread man. you crack out your stash or something ? wow you take optimism to a whole new level. change your name to messiah46 or something

  even if some find his " good news" so annoying, at least its a positive post  :sunglasses:

well sure im hoping for the best like everyone out there . but with so many rumors and im just at the we’ll see when its here approach  :sunglasses:

my info is from the top good news is coming to rupert

sure it is eventually but we don’t need a daily reminder that  its not here yet. it’ll be here soon a lot of us im sure good times are coming and are optimistic . but i’ll wait and see when it gets here