Radioactive materials transported through town?

Hey was wondering if anyone was downtown last night around 6:10pm and saw the two container trucks carrying those strange steel looking barrels in open container boxes with the radioactive signs on them. I had to do a double take when I saw the symbols pasted all over the containers but I’m pretty sure they were radioactive signs. Creeped me out as I had my kids in their stroller right beside them and even if there is little risk, if I was notified that this sort of stuff was going to be transported through our downtown I would not have had my kids on that same street.

phoned cityhall about it, waiting for a callback.

Yes, I do recall seeing at least two of these trucks last night driving down 2nd avenue

Trucks had Sask. plates it can only mean one thing.

According to the Port Authority, they were uranium fuel rods from China destined for a nuclear power facility in the United States. Apparently they were taken from the ship and immediately trucked out of town, no waiting around in the storage yard. This isn’t the first time they have had cargo like this either.

I’ll have more info in The Northern View later.

Since our little town is destined to become a super port, we might just have to get used to seeing stuff like this driving through town. They don’t have to warn you, the warnings are on the cargo itself. Keep in mind, also, that you’re exposed to radioactive things all of the time in day to day life.

Well they should have to warn us before they bring that stuff through our town, I don’t want to be near it when it does come through and I sure as hell don’t want my children near it, and if the only warning they need to give me is the sticker on the container it kind of defeats the purpose of warning me ahead of time so I can choose not to be around it.
The fact that humans are exposed to radiation on a daily basis from things like the sun etc doesn’t make me feel better about this and neither does the fact that I don’t recall there ever being a city wide consultation about the transport of this stuff through Rupert… maybe I missed the meeting, I don’t know.

[quote=“chalk”]Well they should have to warn us before they bring that stuff through our town, I don’t want to be near it when it does come through and I sure as hell don’t want my children near it, and if the only warning they need to give me is the sticker on the container it kind of defeats the purpose of warning me ahead of time so I can choose not to be around it.
The fact that humans are exposed to radiation on a daily basis from things like the sun etc doesn’t make me feel better about this and neither does the fact that I don’t recall there ever being a city wide consultation about the transport of this stuff through Rupert… maybe I missed the meeting, I don’t know.[/quote]


I took this picture on my cellphone as the 4th truck of the night carrying these canisters passed by. This was about 6:35PM Thursday night. Sorry for the poor picture quality, cellphone camera and all that.

No one else wondering why China would be sending fuel rods to the USA? I don’t buy this story.

Saw these same trucks with similar cargo about a month ago coming through town. So not the first time this has happened,Probably not the last either.

Everyone is up in arms over oil transports and only a few are going to pick a big bone with radioactive material? Heh. Oil pipeline = Well Maybe. Oil Tankers = Hmm I don’t think so. Radioactive Containers = DEAD SET AGAINST IT. I have children. Have you ever seen some of the drivers in this town? LOL

There should be a meeting with City Hall and the folk in charge of moving such Cargo through our town, but it seems like the Port honchos will be doing as they please from this day on and we are just little Pawns.As for seeing drivers in this town ssssssssshit .

I’m not to fond of having radio active stuff driven through town but do we know what is in all the containers that come through the port?? If we go through and make it so that we must be informed when radio active or dangerous goods are being driven through town what will be next??? Yes all trucks that carry dangerous goods are labelled with signs. Trucks hauling propane can be dangerous too??The port could have had the radio active material driven through town durning the busiest time of the day but looks like they held off till the traffic and crowds were smaller. I don’t like the thought of being beside it anymore than the next person but I am sure that the workers at the port and anyone who has been close to is has made sure that it is safe to be transported or to be around. And if all it is is a uranium core rod or something like that, there is more than enough protection surrounding it with the containers they are being transported in.
I have a friend swho drives stuff like that around to storage sites in the states. He says that the containers are safe to be around and that the only way anyone can be exposed to any radiation is if we are dumb enough to go open the container and try to see what is in it!!

Seriously, isn’t Rupert people the only ones complaining about dangerous goods being hauled through the only major arterial road in town? Because so far I haven’t heard others along the Yellowhead stretch freaking out about the radioactive rods passing through their town.

“There should be a meeting with City Hall and the folk in charge of moving such Cargo through our town”? ~ lol. You guys should wrap yourselves in layers of tin foil and saran wrap. Don’t forget hard hats too. :smiley:

If you guys insist BTW, maybe it’s a good time for the city to build a bypass highway route, but then again the city hall is probably too poor to afford that.

I haven’t heard of anyone complaining in Vancouver either about any radio active material that goes through there!!! Yup if we insist that the city and port notify us when anything dangerous comes through town we just might get tired of all the notifications and the companies that use our port might not want to ship through us anymore. Hmmmm…point to think about!

as soon as the crane picked them up they were driven off the dock they were in the yard for less than a 1/2 hour im sure and it is completely safe

So for those of you who are still wondering why rupert is dying let me break it down for you.

A group of corporations goes hey lets build a port in rupert to help with our capacity issues. Native groups say not without compensating us for using already developed land (I’m not here to argue whether the complaint is valid or not). Injunction is filed, That gets settled the port gets phase 1 built against all odds.

Now citizens complain about ‘dangerous’ goods being transported at off peak hours in accordance with the rules and regulations for transporting such goods and want to ban the transportation of ‘dangerous’ goods through the port.

Ya i wanna come there and open up shop so I can try and overcome adversity and fight against the stupidity of my fellow citizens.

fuck sakes people if you want rupert to do well you need to be a little more open to business.

I’d rather not be by the stuff when it comes into town, and doing legitimate business means being transparent… I don’t see how voicing my concerns (not condemnations) is grounds for any of you to call me fucking stupid, tinfoil hat wearing, or anti business.

If these types of materials are going to be brought through the city, something I think that should be brought up is, does the city have a plan in place to respond to a spill?