Public Nuisance part deuce

It is sarcastic humor you moron, like anyone would really do that,  the fight took place over twenty years ago, and he was in exellent health at the time. Go fuck your hat Richard, see if you can buy a sense of humor when yer done ya idiot.

Um ya your right, you dont sound like a raving mad man do ya…i see that your being sarcastic now!! :unamused:

Thanks for the heads up, Chrisj.  He does look dangerous to me, even if he is throwing himself down on the ground and acting helpless.  He still appears to have a strong upper body.  I was a competitive fighter when I was a much younger man back in the late 70s.  I’ve always had the greatest respect for street fighters…because there are no rules when you fight these guys.
It is a shame that his life has come to this.  This playing chicken on second avenue will not end well.

Hey chris remember that all song…“wanna be in my gang my gang…may gang…wanna be in MYA gang???”
Raving mad men make me look normal

I have picked the chair man up off the street a few months ago…he does have a solid upper body…20 bucks says I could kick his ass now though!!!

  This “person” has had more air time in the last six months than he deserves :imp: [/quote]

Well what I was thinking was that if the paper published an article about it not only would more people be alerted to his scam, but the police/mental health might actually be shamed into taking action.

Agreed.  I hope someone gets involved before he gets hurt or killed in an accident.

He was arrested today in front of Rhodo’s

Anyone wanna take bets on how long he stays in jail?

BTW: what was he arrested for?

For what?  Running a stop sign?  :imp:

No, seriously, he was arrested?

No, seriously, he was arrested?[/quote]

Normally I might know the answer but there was only court on Monday. This week the Judges have a conference. It would be interesting to know what they arrested him for.

I really dont know If I can post what happened yet…sorry If CrazyMike says its ok I will

Well unless you are someone with inside information, that wouldn’t be publicly known, I can’t see why not. If it’s just something you witnessed on the street then no problem. I’m hardly the expert but anything I ever post is stuff anyone from the public could have learned on their own. I never talk about inside stuff or ongoing investigations.

Yeah , Well he was arrested anyways, I’m involved. I better shaddup

Well I walked into The Rupert Pub and on the way he threw himself on the road I continued on my righteous quest, found out they were out of chicken wings… shocked
So I left right away just to see two men helping him up, I walked to my van and the chairman threw himself into the side of my van.
I called the police because he was under my rear tires and I cant move, someone helped him up and he threw himself into my van a second time and tried to use my mirror to help himself up.
Police came I found a gouge left by his wheelchair and the officer said he will be charged with mischief.

The End

I’m glad the police are getting involved with this.

This guy knows what he is doing, I have talked to him. He plays games because he gets public attention.

Really?? Please, tell more!

Was he even in jail overnight? I saw him in the alley behind PRDN today…

They let him out about 3:15 the same day … saw him on 2nd where the member let him out just before you saw him in the alley.

Most people, arrested on a mischief charge, would find themselves released shortly after being arrested. They issue them a summons to attend court at a future date.  I guess that means we’ll be seeing him at the courthouse in the near future.