Pay before you discharge


  1. “All the work” = 3 successive presses of ‘OK.’ Boo hoo.
  2. One minimum-wage cashier instead of two isn’t making much difference in a society where the teenage job market is literally insatiable.

To the family of the young man that lost his life in that horrific incident, my condolences. To all the Lame-ass people, who are griping about having to pay first, get over it. this is Rupert, get the hell out, and walk people, or would it kill ones day to have to leave a few minutes earlier, or get  home a few minutes later, because someone had to possibly walk into the station twice. Actually come to think of it, I see a lot of people go into a store, come out, and then go back in again, so why complain about doin it somewhere else. Now I don’t agree with the “Grant’s Law” all that much, and maybe WCB should have imposed laws upon Gas Station owners/operators to deal with this issue, but they didn’t. Society has become less considerate of others, to focus only on themselves.

[quote=“shawn”]Society has become less considerate of others, to focus only on themselves.

This is so true that it’s very sad.

Especially in Rupert, people there are getting less considerate, greedy, and selfish. Hell, people down in Vancouver are much more considerate, friendly, and courteous than the people in Rupert.

Please don’t take this as an insult because I’m also a Rupertite (or maybe soon to be former in the next 5 years or so) too, and yes I’m very concerned.

I don’t really know what happen to our people, but the last time I returned for Christmas this town is way more depressing than it was when I left town for school. Prince Rupert is so depressing that I wanted to go back to Vancouver sooner than later.

It’s sad. I think the problem with the society in Rupert is the lack of community spirit and lack of morality.

I hope the town gets better in the summer. Best wishes for you people.

BTW, about that pay before you pump thing. I think it's long overdue and it's great to have this rule implemented in this province.

And to people who complain about it: Shut up.

[quote=“Hitler ah-Bian”]
This is so true that it’s very sad.

Especially in Rupert, people there are getting less considerate, greedy, and selfish. Hell, people down in Vancouver are much more considerate, friendly, and courteous than the people in Rupert.

It’s sad. I think the problem with the society in Rupert is the lack of community spirit and lack of morality.[/quote]

What is the color of the sky in your world?  :astonished:

I think that’s happening everywhere up North.
I get people who grew up here every couple days bitching about installation delays. Look outside it’s -36! You expect someone to scrabble around on your roof at-36?
I came back and listened to a lady from Burns gripe about the awful service from my staff. They’d actually came in on Sunday and printed her stuff so she could use it Monday, after they did, they discovered contrary to what this bag had said, she had no money, no credit card, and no cheques and expected it to be charged to a Band she wasn’t a member of…
Then I heard from an online gaming outfit. One of my customers contracted for a domain & site, picked up wireless stuff for their motel and had my tech do a couple service calls, then REFUSE TO PAY for any of it. So I redirected their domain to my casino!!! :smiley:
So they complained to the casino company about how evil I was. So now it goes to a page “suspended for nonpayment” with links on it to the other motels in town. And the casino. I know the guy will call the other motels about what an asshole I am, and still won’t pay his bill.

LMAO, nicely done, herbie.  :sunglasses:
What a cheap, SOB.  Your technician does work and they refuse to pay.  Unbelievable.

Usually baby blue.  Anyway if you think the people in Rupert are bad you really need to visit Kelowna. Its ridiculous here.
