Newly painted buildings downtown

I don’t think that it may necessarily bring new business to town…after all, the economic situation is pretty dire, as we know, and opening any business right now is quite the gamble. But it surely brightens up the mood as we locals go about our business.

Now there’s a canvas that has possibilities…WOW…how cool would that be to have a mural up one side of the highliner

For years I have been saying that this grey city needs to paint their buildings like the “painted houses” of San Fran. Now on a return visit to Rinsetown I see someone actually said it out loud and others heard…it looks fantastic!!! A huge thumbs up to all the business owners who participated in making the city a brighter place. It looks cleaner and even feels more friendly. Way to go and hopefully many more home owners and business owners will follow. Awesome!

Change is/was needed. I appreciate that someone gave up their time, someone gave up some paint, and that some like it. I as a life long resident, like some and don’t like others, the paint was free, but that was because someone couldnt sell it I gather (tax write off, saves recycling fee?), as IMO they are hideous and the paint jobs were laughable sometimes, ie: king koins job makes me gag, and they painted over nice mural on side in process (while your ranting about being thankful for volunteers, remember, someone painted that mural BEFORE). Audiovisions as some others were half-assed jobs with no taping and paint splatters abound, making something that looked old and abandoned, look new, and tacky. A decision was made by a handful of people that we were going to hire Steven and Chris to reno Rupert and I kinda wish it was thought out a little more, like our NOW useless cruise ship terminal. Are we a resource city or a tourist city, the two cant co-exist, IE: crab/fish plant next door to cruise ship? Nothing like getting off a ship to the wonderful sights and smells of rotting fish. How long is that ONE coat of paint going to hold up to our weather? How is this place going to look in a couple months? Patchy ugly paint jobs on empty storefronts because no one is going to want to rent a building they have to repaint at THEIR expense. NONE OF THIS REPLY IS FACTUAL. Just one mans opinion, you dont have to agree or like it, but it would be nice if it was at least thought about longer than it takes to just flame me.


Considering how grey this summer has been, downtown is looking remarkably less so.