Neptune Inn


Sorry people , but bubbasteve will not answer your question , because she is not working anywhere  other wise she would , she don’t want a job cause then she would not be living at home with mommy and daddy getting an allowance from them…
you do know how to give advise to people about looking for work . so why don’t you try it your self and see just how easy or not it is.

Nice to know you know so much about me.


see bubbasteve you’re so wrong that people are agreeing with me. Why have you not given up yet?

you’re right, but that doesn’t mean that one should just sit there and be stagnant on the computer. Because not all jobs are advertised in job banks, and news papers. Most are, but some aren’t. And who’s to say that an employee has put in their two weeks that day or something and you HAPPEN to walk in and put in your resume? You never know what can happen. There’s too much to leave to chance by only looking in certian places.

And yes, I don’t have a job, but I don’t see how that has any bearing on my advice, I’ve been through resume workshops and career building courses, I’m passing on what they told me. And I’m also going by what worked for me when I WAS working and actively seeking a job. If I was booted out on my ass, I can garuntee I’d have a job within a few weeks. I’d have to wouldn’t I?

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a job anyway?  Maybe you shouldn’t pass on their advice as you said you did and it has bearing on the advice you post when you seem to call down the unemployed as being lazy and so on. So you only plan to put your plans into action if your kicked out on the street, that’s great job strategy for sure.

Came across 3 places looking for reliable people just today.

Since htmf is widely used (or so we’re told) maybe a help wanted thread section is in order??

Maybe one shouldn’t pass judgement on my situation without knowing it??
And frankly, it’s no one’s buisness in the first place. My current lack of employment, doesn’t mean I’m unable to get a job, nor does it mean I don’t know the current job market.  :unamused:

I’m simply stating that there IS a job market here, for people who WANT to do the work. I know plenty of places that need help. And no, I’m not going to list them off, why should I have to do the work for someone? Get out there and find out yourself, I did…

Interesting, most folks would be thankful to let an issue die off, you rather seem to enjoy the spotlight as you constantly go back to the same old tune over and over again.

Then you wonder why you get challenged so often.

all so strange

I sure hope you are not collecting welfare or EI if you are able to work and know where the jobs are!  :imp:


Well…as I’ve said before…Ah may be jist an ole HillBilly…but who’da thunk it?..Neptune Inn opens Wednesday 19th…Motel is open today…unless the signs on the place are a cruel hoax.

Next thing yanno there will be a rumor about how the town is booming. :unamused:

Neptune In IS open as my friend started there today  :smiley: congrates on the operation and Good Luck!!! I hope that this town DOES boom. The industry DEFENTLY Needs it  :sunglasses: :smiley: