Movie Gallery closing?

i have heard this also. but with the digital age store rentals have been on the way out for a while

  your comment is about as useful as a Betamax video recorder  :unamused:

i used to work for movie gallery, they suck! glad there closing, and movies didnt cost them nothing, they paid cost for a movie which could run between $5.00 - $30.00, and when they buy in large amounts they get  a handful or two free!  they shouldve been closed along ime ago!

upset employee much?

Haven’t even seen one of these in Prince George yet. Another reason to miss Safeway besides the donuts and Starbucks!

They work really well for me. You pick your title, swipe your credit card for the 1.99 fee. The hitch is that it’s due back at 7pm the following day. If you fail to bring it back on time they automatically charge your card another 1.99. They have the right to charge up to 40.00 if I recall correctly. I guess it would make for an expensive lost copy for some.

All the stores in PG are shutting down, they had people all over town advertising that they were going out of business and that everything was 30 to 50% off.

Just got back from picking the bones of the movie gallery.  Got 3 new releases,  and 3 xbox 360 games  for under $120.

Head down,  plenty of meat still on the carcase.

I know this is off topic but was speaking with an employee at Zellers today, their contract expires at the end of this month and as yet there has been no talk of a new one.  This person has said it is only a matter of time before they will be closing also. Is this rumour or fact? Came from a good source.

I’m gonna say rumor. That store makes far too much money to justify closing down.

Yeah I heard the same story this afternoon and this lady who has been there for years is kind of worried as well. I also heard that extra foods was being looked at by a much bigger company and not No Frills either, something like a Superstore or a Wal-mart but they are waiting to see what goes down with Zellers. So we can put that sign out on the HWY in the fall, " If its not closed, its burnt ". Shit we will really look silly come winter.

Don’t know much about the Zeller’s situation, but you would think that they being the only game in town, they would remain here if for no other reason than to keep the market to themselves.

As for the No Frills rumour, they don’t come much larger in the grocery business than Weston/Loblaws which owns the Superstore brand, considering they didn’t want to have an Extra Foods it won’t be them coming in without it being a No Frills, and that will take at least a year due to Labour law and such.

Not sure who else is left in the grocery business, WalMart I guess, as they do groceries as well, but they generally don’t like to be part of malls like the Rupert Square, for the most part they like to anchor strip villages or stand alones like in Terrace.  

picked up 11 games for my consoles on ps3 and 360 or $116 . wanted more but thought that was enough lol

Heard a few comments about ‘liquidation prices’ being higher than regular WalMart prices around this neck of the woods…

I don’t think Zellers has a union. Do they?

No, I don’t think so. But I could be wrong.

No they aren’t unionized. The contract being referred to is the lease with the mall.

Are you sure about that?

maybe walmart will finally come here if it closes. everyones worried about our local stores closing if walmart closes well guess what they are already closed so bring it here already lol

Where would they put it?