Moon-walker claims alien contact cover-up

I have the interview on DVD. Don’t know where you can find it in print. The interview would have taken place between 2001 and 2004.

He says almost the same thing in this interview:

He says almost the same thing in this interview:

Thanks for the link:-)  Interesting! :sunglasses:[/quote]

very cool, and I’m sure those who disagree with extraterrestrial life forms think Copper is crazy looking for publicity…stupid ass this man has broken records why would he want to be ridiculed for his belief.

You would have to be really naive to think we are alone in this universe and the only species out there.
Just because we haven’t been to other worlds does not mean those life forms have not been here.

I like to think if we evolved back when the dino’s roamed the earth and we didn’t nuke our selves we would be over 60 millions years old as a species, what kind of technology would we have. I’m sure we would be traveling the stars. so who is too say there are life forms from other worlds who are that old…

I like to believe that man kind will persevere but reality is we are only a few steps from going back to the stone age.


the thousands of photos, and videos that cant be explained!!

though it only proves that something is flying over head, the only person I believe may have actual footage of aliens in a UFO is a old lady from Vancouver who films UFO’s over her house all the time with a 8 MM film camera.

Dorothy Izatt has been featured on many TV shows for her amazing footage of UFO’s.
Dorthy has been filming for Thirty years and has over 30,000 feet of film,This is an amazing lady who totally captivated everyone in the world with her over 30,000 feet of astonishing 8mm film.

Capturing the light 30,000 feet of proof is the name of her movie,
I remember her from her episode on hard copy, were they take stills of the footage and you can actually see alien types creatures.

this lady is now in her 70 or 80’s here are some still the first one is Dorthy the second one is a closeup of the aliens in a craft 

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Yes.  Those are unidentified flying objects…we don’t know what they are.  Therefore, as we do not know what they are, we can not assume that they are alien space craft.  I’d like to believe they are, but, there’s no proof that they’re piloted by aliens.  They could be some super-secret stealth jets from the military…or some unexplained aerial phenomena.

The existence of strange, unexplained aerial phenomena does not prove that aliens have been to our world.

Hey, I’m looking forward to irrefutable proof of alien landings here on Earth.  But, until I have the proof I will remain a hopeful skeptic.

mathematically the odds support extra-terrestrial life.   [/quote]

There are too many unknown variables to form a usable equation to determine
the chance of ET civilizations mathematically.
Astonomers have been playing with such equations for the last 45 years.

Agreed, you can not prove the existence of alien life with mathematics.  Carl Sagan played with the idea and postulated an interesting equation.

The probability that life does not exist out there seems remote to me, but, again there is no concrete proof of extra-solar life…yet. :smile: