Joy Thorkelson Shenanigans

Honestly, I though that this thread was a funny reference to the battery of posts by “Person who thinks he is anonymous, but really isn’t” making some slanderous and libelous statements against Thorkelson.  ie: that she’s done something wrong and that a video exists.  
This thread was started by Max Power not to slag Thorkelson, I don’t think.[/quote]

You are correct, Mig. That is exactly what I was doing: making fun of the bonehead who kept trying to defame her. Having been a member of UFAWU for some time, I know Joy and have tremendous respect for her. Rather than just saying, “hey, you’re an idiot,” I chose to do it through humor; obviously, some HTMFers aren’t sophisticated enough to appreciate that.

As for Baker, it seems he was just saying if Joy - or any woman for that matter (and, thus, you could swap Gordon-Payne or Ashley’s name, if you chose to) - was looking for a man, than she would be disappointed because it is a gay bar.

That’s the way I took your initial comments, Max.  Good satire.  But, that is only my opinion.

Okay.  I’ll weigh in on this thread.  I would just like to reiterate to everyone in this thread what MiG has said about being responsible for what you write.  We can be compelled to reveal your identifying information should we receive a court order.  Having said that I don’t think this thread is wasteland material yet as we are still having a civil debate on a variety of topics.
So carry on.  If the thread goes off the rails and people start insulting each other then I will lock this thread and move it the wasteland.


You suggest that the thread did not begin about a debate on the gayness of Shenanigans. True. The potential for homo-centric comments only became relevant when I pointed out that when I left Van for good, Shenanigans hosted a male gaynight. Joy is not a man. So references to her being gay are both inferred and defamatory in its own right. The fact that both Max and I have repeatedly told you that was not the intent nor the way it came off seems to suggest that one bad apple can spoil the whole cart.

As for what would stand up in court, your evidence is flimsy and speaks to the type of fear and panic PC types hold to be as true social behaviour. You might win a court case but really what have you actually won?

I echo Max’s sentiment. Joy is a respected person in town and no one here has tried to defame her. I have always found Joy to be helpful on articles about city hall and fisheries and have found her forceful political voice in the community.  

You, my good poster, have taken this issue on as your own personal war. And so I say good luck to that. Good day!

Yea it is. Compared to the usual things that get thrown around about the public figures in our community, a bit of silly comedy (and it’s soooo obviously meant to be funny) is a nice change!

All I’m gonna say is that there would sure be alot of lawsuits going around if people got that upset over stuff like this. 

I saw Krissy at Shenanigans in Vancouver.

haha I wouldn’t doubt it, sounds like a decent place.  I’ve tried to do some research on it and it sounds to me like an Irish pub, donno about when the gay part comes in.  I almost went to Celebrities (all be it on straight night) except a friend got sick before we made it in.