Jack Layton

I’m changing my name to Theabove Noneof. I’m sure to win if I run.

i’m going to play it like i play everything else in my life - try not to sweat what the overall outcome is going to be, and do what i want.

so i’m not going to worry that the party who’s platform i support has no chance of winning. i’m going to vote for them anyway, because I believe that voting strategically gets you locked up in a “prisoners dilemma” and isnt an honest expression of your vote.

Vote your conscience, don’t worry about the outcome.

Those people who voted for the Green Party in the last US election didn’t “waste their votes” – they sent a strong message that the Democrats must become more green to receive their votes.

If you vote Green in this election, it’s not a wasted vote. It sends a signal to the other parties that they can’t have your vote unless they’re more green.

Well said MiG!

I always hear people say “I didn’t vote for them because they can’t win”.
Well they won’t win if you don’t vote for them. If their policies are somewhat popular the liberals will steal them anyway. Win-Win.

Ten points to Nathan Cullen who walked into my store and introduced himself today! Plugged into the cafe and sent messages home. Personally invited me to the all candidates meet at 7 pm

and you’ll like this:

Maybe twenty points.

iBook? Got my vote.

There’s an all candidates meet tonight??

in ft st hell hole

no shit, must be. Miles wasn’t there. He toured the reseves a couple days ago so I guess he covered what he thought was important. And that’s exactly what I’d heard about him!
Andy Burton, well, he told us how important it was to pay down the debt. Just like Paul Martin’s been doing. How they’ll cut taxes, that would be nice for those of us in a postion to pay any. How they’ll allow a free vote on gay marriages. Sorry Andy, I don’t want you to waste the parliament’s time on stupid Reform party issues like abortion, gay marriage, capital punishment and stuff that TAKES things away from people.
And I admired Rod Taylor for speaking his views, standing to principal.

So Nathan gets my vote. I don’t agree with NDP policy 100% except according to the survey site, but I will not vote Liberal ‘to keep the Tories out’ if they have candidate who can’t be bothered and garners support along ethnic lines.

i think imma gonna vote for conservative…YAH GO CONSERVATIVE :smiley:

a poignant reminder that for every well thought out vote, there is a moron voting based on the leaders hairstyle.

Oh no! The evil NDP will decriminalize pot and they hate Ernst Zundel. There goes my grow-op profits AND all the really dumb people for couriers!

jacklaytonsaid.com :open_mouth:

That website is so full of crap

As for the person going for conservatives…are you out of your fucking mind ? I’d vote Liberal or the Green party (if NDP wasn’t in) over them any day.

I wouldn’t be suprised if this ARA group were with the christian heritage party which I find is a complete joke.

PS. Nathan Cullen was out canvassing last night, and you’ll get to see him debate with Miles, Andy Burton…and the other people tonight @ the crest

There seems to be a lot of NDP election ads on tv tonight! CTV has run more NDP ads than the others combined…
what’s up with that?

id imagine its just like any other commercial; you pay for the amount of time you want broadcasted

[quote=“Anonymous”]There seems to be a lot of NDP election ads on tv tonight! CTV has run more NDP ads than the others combined…
what’s up with that?[/quote]

They probably didn’t run as many ads as the rest of the parties while the campaign was in full swing, and saved all their tv spots for the end of the campaign to get some of the undecided voters, or make the NDP fresh in people’s minds again.

[quote=“Anonymous”]There seems to be a lot of NDP election ads on tv tonight! CTV has run more NDP ads than the others combined…
what’s up with that?[/quote]

Have you by any chance ever taken Marketing ? Or even understand what Marketing is ?

If not I would suggest you do so, you can learn many things…like promotion strategies. Than you shall understand small little things like these.

[quote=“Anonymous”]There seems to be a lot of NDP election ads on tv tonight! CTV has run more NDP ads than the others combined…
what’s up with that?[/quote]

It might depend on what channels you’re watching. NDP are targeting youth, while Liberals and Reform are going after older folks.