I need some community input/direction with this one

Norris rules. :sunglasses:

And what would you be wearing - bagles and sour cream? Kinky. :imp:

I talked with Joe Viscount this morning and explained the situation we have been reading on HTMF and what went down the other evening with Donald and the Slime in the Baseball cap . He left right away and met with the RCMP . So that may help but who knows .

that is strange because i talked to chuck norris this morning and he said ‘i will kill him with a beard slap’ and then tried to sell me some kind of bowflex

Rollins this is a serious probelm that needed to be addressed by Joe and the cops , people who try to sexualy abuse handicapped people and kids or anybody should be put in Jail and left there

hey, rollins isn’t denying that, so you should just call the cops and not post it on a public forum.  you put something up here,it’s open for everybody.  like this…madmax likes to wear bikini thongs and strut around port ed.  now everybody knows

Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) has the mandate to provide services to adults with developmental disabilities. Since the institutions began closing in the 1990’s, (BC was the first province in Canada to begin this step) people with disabilities were able to make decisions regarding their life. As these people were never part of the mainstream of society, it was a giant learning curve for them as well as the communities they began to become a part of. In the past, if you had a disability, you were locked up and families were told they were better off with their own kind. This may have worked for some, but for most, they had no rights at all. No right to say where they lived, no choices of food, clothes, no money, friends of choice, no education etc. Until recent years, people with disabilities were punished for having sexual relationships with anyone, and often were sexually abused by caregivers. Just because a person has a disability does not mean thay are without a sex drive. Puberty is the same for a person with a disability or without. The only difference is the perception of the community. Education is key. Without it, people are likely to fall prey to all kinds of situations. If you have no idea how to develop consenting relationships, what do you do to get your needs met? Maybe ask every woman you meet for a hug? This is one way to get a human touch that is very effective. You may wonder why women would accept hugs from a male they don’t know just because he seems to have a disabilty.

CLBC provides hours of support to people with disabilities with need in this community but in many cases, they need more support that they are receiving. Food, shelter and medical needs are considered first and the hours allotted eat up the time. It is not enough and the MLA needs to hear from the community the time provided is not enough. This is the way to make changes. A strong message. Unless you have a person in your family that needs this support, you never really know how little help families get. Often, your support can change or end without consultation.

I just wanted to let people know that people with disabilities are people first. They have the same needs as anyone. They need friendship most of all. Nearly any person with a disabilty is a lonely person and the only people they come in contact with are paid caregivers. And that means only an hour or two every day.  No one can provide much in that short a time. The other thing I want to say, is that don’t be afraid to ask these individuals you see in the community how to keep themselves safe. They probably know more than you think. They have all been part of education around safety issues, only it may feel good to have someone give them attention even though it is inappropriate. Again, it may be a choice they are making. Not a choice everyone would make, but a choice. All adults have the right to make choices.  It is only in the community that people with disabilities are safe. The fact that someone reported this incident proved that “Donald” is part of his community and people see him and keep an eye out for him. That is less likely to happen in an institution. Thank you to all who keep your eyes open and then do the right thing.

Tulip has hit the nail on the head on this one.  Our government is simply turning their backs on these people by not providing adequate funding for the things that we take for granite.  This problem is only going to get worse in the lower mainland once the 2010 Olympics grow closer.  We need to be a voice for those who do not have a voice of their own.  Let us commit to lobbying our MLA and MP if necessary to get the ball rolling.

man now donald gets more action than i do.

yeah last year he even had a gf who came tovisit him!! lol

i have alwayss kept my eye out for him…he is always out later and i worry about him…you know the ppl that take care of him wont pay his cabs home no more? thats f**ked up…i was scared fir him at all native…out late at night i tried to send him home cause he cant hang in that bars after 10 and timmys closes at 1 so he was just standing there…disabled ppl do need friends…i wish timmys was 24 he would be some what safe…  wish that guy told one of the workers in stead of watching…like a …nm…

I can only add that in spite of their glowing sense of self accomplishment, the MOC watches someone only marginally competent (to whom they have granted custody of 2 kids) wander by their front door at least 15 times a day sucking slurpees and dressed in rags without doing dick.
If they go in the door, they will do something. If they walk by they’ll do nothing. In the meantime thee are 2 ‘normal’ children being raised to be ‘special’. Thanks. Good fucking job assholes. The School District is bleeding with Special Needs costs, but they aren’t on your]/i] budget. Human Resources pays for the dentist and doctor, so that aint your budget either.
It’s up to Joe Citizen to try to talk the guy into buying the kids shoes instead of a bigger hard drive with the little money he gets.
Not to paint all with the same brush. I did meet a couple rational beings at a table of 12 who could figure out when a teen was conning them for free welfare so they didn’t have to obey the rules at home. So rational they prevailed over the will of the other 10.