Htmf ftw omfgbbq

that is a great response, but you might find others very much determined to prove you wrong.

according to the world of HTMF FTW only means for the win. 


Dude, you can’t just redefine something and say who cares about dictionaries? 

You can’t hold up a red apple and say that from now on you’re going to call it a blue orange, and who cares if people out there think it’s a red apple, who cares what the dictionary says, if you want to call it a blue orange, then that’s what it’s going to be.  If people don’t understand what you are saying, too bad for them.

FTW = For the win, that’s the standard. If you want it to be something else, well, too bad.  You’ll need to convince everyone else to change too.  Language changes, sure, but language is the widely accepted meaning of words right now, isn’t it.

Just admit that you goofed and move on. 

Back in the day when this style of slang first arrived, I mistakenly thought that FTW meant “fuck the what?”

And I thought it meant “Fuck the world,” as in “I don’t give a shit if everyone in the world disagrees with me. Fuck the world!”