How Geeky Are You?

Well i was up till like 4 last night and Beat the geeks happened to be on, which is a pretty sweet show and when the host asked the contestents on what there geekiest thing about them was…

So im asking whats the geekiest thing about people on htmf, and posting on htmf can’t be that :smiley:

I watched beat the geeks once and they had the star trek geek. I knew the answers to the questions they asked him. :frowning:

I fought my little brother for the dinky star wars toys that came in the cereal boxes.

I know what Uber 1337 means and have used it to describe things and have also had it used to describe my chest.

I have an account for DAOC.

Well… geekiest thing about me, besides playing games on the computer or consoles… would be… hmmm I suppose playing Everquest and MTG :stuck_out_tongue:

yes yes very nerdy

[quote=“timbits”]Well… geekiest thing about me, besides playing games on the computer or consoles… would be… hmmm I suppose playing Everquest and MTG :stuck_out_tongue:

yes yes very nerdy[/quote]

If that makes you a nerd, what does that make Ryan?

The geekiest thing about me would have to be my black plastic rimmed pair of glasses that I wear every now and then. Oh and not to mention when I laugh histerically and an occasional snort breaks loose and no one ever lets me live that down. Wish I could control that :frowning:


[quote=“timbits”]Well… geekiest thing about me, besides playing games on the computer or consoles… would be… hmmm I suppose playing Everquest and MTG :stuck_out_tongue:

yes yes very nerdy[/quote]

If that makes you a nerd, what does that make Ryan?[/quote]

haha no clue, ive played eq for a long time off and on but ohh well :stuck_out_tongue:

what about you kao :stuck_out_tongue:

If that makes you a nerd, what does that make Ryan?[/quote]

My Hero!

Played Everquest for nearly 5 years.

Probably the Geekiest Thing I am associated with would be I own a
framed enlarged cover of the Original Everquest Box, and it hangs above my computers.

Sold Everquest Accounts off and on for just over 3 years.

Playing Dark Age of Camelot off and on for last couple years.

Sold 3 Dark Age Of Camelot accounts too. 2 of which were to the same person.

Played Final Fantasy XI Online for a whole month (Longest Month Ever)

Played MTG Since grade 6.

Speaking of Final Fantasy, anyone want to buy a barely used Final Fantasy XI online account for PC?

Well since this has turned into “what games do you play?” then I’d have to say I don’t qualify to answer. I don’t play games on the computer. I have been known to play the occasional PS2 or Xbox racing or sports game though.

Well, its not What game you play, its just the fact that it seems that playing games on the computer for long periods of time would fall right into the category of Geeky.

So yeah, They walk hand in hand, Geek and Game. Unlike Sphagetti and Milk.

At res everyone was playing roller coaster tycoon cause it came free in cereal boxes. No student could turn down something free.

What about being able to relate any aspect of real life to either a simpsons or a family guy episode?

That title will always be paul’s, regardless of how close I can get to stealing the title.

I can’t do that either :frowning: I have watched maybe 5 Family Guy eps, and I haven’t seen more than 5 eps of the Simpsons since season 9 or so.

Cheering for the Canucks could make you a geek.

Well then would being a moderator on an internet web forum and threatening to edit/delete posts that I put up, make one a geek?

Nah, I think that is more qualified to be an ass.

Or Communist.

the geekyest thing about me is that i played runescape for 15 hours. plus me and my bro stayed up for 23 hours playing nhl 2004 lol

in my early geek years: sitting up for about 16 or 17 straight hours typing in a program from a magazine, then debugging the damn thing just to make it run. Then figuring out how to change said program to make myself invincible and win.

^^^ the above was done more than once, since new mags came out with new programs every month.

Or going over a cracked apple game to figure out how they put in a Cracked by: splash screen, which was I was only able to figure out by learning assem lang, which I did learn. Then figuring how to do that with other games.

Or spending too many hours programming some shell script to do some repetitive task that normally only took 5 mins to do by hand. But was worth in in the end cause then I could cron it! Plus it did way more than just the one task after it was all done.

but thats my geekiness…