Greyhound Killer

I thought if as a landed immigrant you committed a crime in which you served federal time (2+yrs) you will be deported once you have served your sentance? 

Ummm… he’s already a Canadian citizen.

And also why would he be deported on grounds that he’s mentally ill and not criminally responsible?

What quote? That’s what I said.
Enough of this run and hide and slither under the bed refusing to testify because they might come get you.
Cowards. You see someone being attacked, you try to stop it. You don’t rush a guy with a gun but two people struggling between a set of bus seats? Driver doesn’t have a tire iron?

What’s next? See a guy smack a woman and run to get a cop because he’s bigger than you?
Bah! Sheeple.

From what I can remember about the story when it happened, it was over before anyone realised it was even happening. The guy was sleeping and woke up to having his neck sliced open, I doubt he had time to yell before his vocal chords sever.

So after that, what do you do? Since there wasn’t really a struggle…

Sorry my bad, I thought he was still a landed immigrant…he became a citizen in 2006 - two years before the said incident.

What’s really frightening is that 1 in 13 in China suffers from a mental disorder - that’s around 173 million adults, of which 158 million have never received any type of professional help for their condition.

I had no idea there was no regular psychiatrist…we used to have one didnt we???

He doesn’t need to be a dangerous offender, he’ll be in an institution indefinitely. His status will be reviewed once a year during that time and the only way he could get out is to convince the review panel that he was no longer a danger to the public. Since he cut a random person’s head off in front of a large group of people, threw it around the bus, ate pieces of it and put some pieces in ziplock bags for later I doubt that will happen. Would you want to be the person on the review panel that released him when he did it again? 

I honestly never remember having one in our town that we can call our own, I believe that we have always for the most part, had a travelling road show. Even when Dorthy Graham was running the show so many years ago.

Wow folks … must be tough living in that glass house … unless you live with a mental illness or with someone that does  some of these comments are on the edge. and clearly shows your lack of understanding of this disease.  Yes the man committed a horrendous crime , was he sane at the time NO did he know what he was doing NO.  Its not his fault and yes he should be locked up ( which I am sure he will be ) walking fully supervised for one hour a day … is not extreme.

That’s what I was trying to say…

SOrry bubba steve I didn’t read all the post obviously!