Federal Election- October 14th 2008

Oh, okay. My bad. I was unsure about the federal rules. I am correct, though, in thinking that the BCTF does donate to the provincial NDP?

As a private citizen I recently contributed to the federal NDP.  I welcome Mr. Cullen’s re-election in our riding.  He does great work.

Probably just as much as your union does, yes.

That’s just fine. Heh. I was never saying it’s not totally okay for unions to donate provincially and for private citizens to help out their party. I was just trying to make the point that there is a correlation between membership in a major union and supporting the NDP.

Well I’m not sure of the percentage of union member vis a vis NDP support at the polls, but I’m pretty sure that if the union movement was as monolithic as you suggest, then Jack Layton might actually have a shot at becoming the Prime Minister that he seems to think he does.

As it is, the NDP seem to attract a proportion of that union vote, but just as many probably cast their votes for the Liberals, Bloc and maybe even a few wayward brothers and sisters carve their X for a Conservative.

Pretty broad brush you are attaching to those that pay union dues.