Federal Election- October 14th 2008

This is why, much the same as in the United States, I feel that we are consolidating too much power in a single person.

Our policies are legislated by a BODY of elected representatives, and that is where our greatest focus should be.

Yes, it is a sad truth that he is perceived as ineffective because of sound bytes and the way he presents himself.  Unfortunately a successful politician today must be able to package his/her message and present it in a way that it will be readily consumed.  Being perceived as boring is a liability in today’s political landscape.  This is the reality of modern politics. 
As a contrast Obama is a masterful politician who has it all (brilliant speaker, he appears genuine, he can tug at the heart strings).  I just hope that the people can accept an African-American President.  Four more years of GOP rule would be awful.

Yeah, just like Nathan Cullen on gun control…

Why didn’t the conservatives repeal the gun control law?  Didn’t they promise to scrap it?

Nathan Cullen has explained his position on gun control, and has explained why he voted the way he did.

Do you have an explanation for why the conservatives passed a law fixing the election date, then apparently just ignored it?

Hey Mig,

Why by criticizing Nathan do you assume I’m advocating for the conservatives? I
was merely pointing out that our MP is as equally opportunistic and manipulative. They’re all liars. Or is this the old “two wrongs make a right” philosophy of elected government? I can’t sleep at night arguing for that… And, yes, Nathan did explain why he voted the way he did. Basically it wasn’t politically expedient (his party didn’t want another election) so he chose the NDP over the people in his riding he made a promise to.


I didn’t assume you supported the conservatives.  I’m just pointing out another obvious flip-flop.

The conservatives promised to do away with gun-control legislation, and they didn’t.

You’re right, it is an obvious flip-flop, just like nathan’s. But you’ve tried to rationalize nathan’s bad behaviour, while I won’t rationalize the conservatives. No offense, but this generally seeems to be the case with people who have chosen a colour in the Canadian political system. I’m sorry Mig but your teacher is showing and you’re putting ideology ahead of ideas, otherwise you’d just admit that the NDP are lying sacks just like the cons… and libs…

I’m not sure why you think my occupation is relevant to my points.  That’s a good indication of your thinking, I guess. You want to classify people based on what they do?  All teachers vote NDP?  You’d love to see my voting history, then.

What do you do for a living?  So I can generalize about you.

Yes, Nathan Cullen voted for a budget that included funding for gun control.  Yes, he won the next election anyway.  Yes, he flipped on it.

“He flipped on it” – That’s all I was asking for you to acknowledge. My apologies if you felt generalized about, I was just trying to point out that perhaps you were exhibiting a behaviour that can sometimes be associated with an unquestioning allegiance to a certain political stripe, such as say teachers with the NDP or (if you prefer) rich white business owners with the conservatives. It was not meant as a personal attack – I’m sorry if it came off that way. As an individual you are a swell guy who undoubtedly always votes for the best person for the job whenever you step into that voting booth. And, if you don’t, well that’s between you and the Flying Spaghetti Monster…

Leaders are for sheeple.
Because direction comes from the Party’s convention, the “leader” should be the best manager/administrator.

Mig, it’s certainly unfair that he’s putting that label on you just based on your occupation.

You can’t deny, though, that the BCTF donates a large sum of money whenever there’s an provincial election–that money goes towards the NDP–and I don’t hear an outcry from its members. Expanding this to a federal election is a logical progression, even if it isn’t true about you.

Sure, let me know how much the BCTF gives to the federal NDP for this campaign, will you?

Is it logical progression to say that those who vote for Liberals provincially will do the same federally?

Can I make a logical progression about you, even though it isn’t true about you?  What is your occupation?  Are you in a union?  Ad hominem is weaksauce no matter how you try to veil it.

Well I would GUESS that a major union would give to the party that supports unions.
It would be kind of STUPID for a union to give money to anti-union parties like the BC Liberals and the Federal Conservatives.

It’s not ad hominem. It’s a logical, valid argument. You can’t possibly deny that the fact you are a teacher and member of the BCTF makes you more likely to be an NDP supporter. I have no idea if that’s true, and I’m not about to place that label on you–but it’s still a perfectly logical progression.

And yes, someone who votes Liberal in BC is more likely to vote Liberal federally than, for example, someone who votes NDP provincially. Now, we could discuss the idea that the BC Liberals are more like the Conservatives than they are the Liberal Party of Canada… but you get my point.

I didn’t say that. I agree, there’s a good argument for unions giving money to parties that tend to support unions.

Do you belong to a union, Eccentric?

What is it you do for a living, anyway?  

I’d like to know this stuff, so I can make some logical progressions about you.  Thanks.

I’m a member of CUPE, not sure what number. I work at the swimming pool as a Lifeguard/Instructor 2 when not at school. Logically progress away. :smile:

Oh–just to rule this out–are you saying that my logic is incorrect? Are you saying that you do not support either the provincial or federal NDP? You’re by no means obligated to answer that, it’s none of my business really. Just curious.

I’m a member of the NDP, but I don’t think I’ve paid my membership fee in a few years.  I’ve also been a member of the Federal Liberals, as well as a couple of other provincial Liberal parties (never a member of the BC Liberals, though).  I haven’t paid those fees in a while either.

Here’s a logical progression for you:  everything you said about teachers is also true of CUPE members (probably more!).  I trust that you’re up on the rules about donations to federal parties.

Quite honestly, I’m not up on the rules. I’d be willing to argue that most full time CUPE employees are NDP supporters, though.

Unions, businesses, organizations, etc, are not allowed to donate to federal political parties.  Only private citizens can donate a limited amount.  So no, the BCTF doesn’t contribute to any federal parties, but I think I will.