Dudley's do nothing.........?

They did. The huge number of Rupertites now working AT the container port (many of whom used to work at the Pulp Mill and have been commuting/living outside of town for the past several years) are an excellent compliment to the new container facility. They get decent wage AND benefits.

Oh–and as mcsash pointed out–you kinda dodged the whole idea of providing a solution. In the post I’ve quoted from here you only list problems–you won’t get elected unless you can think of a solution or two.

There is a very important solution to some of the city’s financial situation that has been well hidden from the public.  Much of the taxes owing from the Skeena situation is owed by the Province of BC - afterall they owned the mill.  Rather than Herb and the Council fighting for what is rightful ours, he has avoided the conflict with Gordon Campbell to go after this money.  The city has so much long and short term debt that it is difficult to plan for any new infrastructure or repair any existing infrastructure.  With so much debt hanging over our heads it is almost impossible to plan for anything.  I know that I am probably shooting for the stars, but we have a piece of infrastructure that warrants looking at again.  The Gondola at Mount Hays could be a big asset to our tourism sector.  If we had a few extra bucks, we could really make that area a place that everyone would like to go.  A nice dining facility and much more.  We could also look at things like the old CN building that is just sitting there doing nothing but rotting away.  But again, these things take money and I don’t expect that we will see that for many years to come…

They did. The huge number of Rupertites now working AT the container port (many of whom used to work at the Pulp Mill and have been commuting/living outside of town for the past several years) are an excellent compliment to the new container facility.[/quote]

:unamused: I would say nice try, Eccentric, but it isn’t. The jobs are part of the container facility development - trying to separate them is laughable. You should work at a car dealership and tell people the tires are extra.

:stuck_out_tongue: That was my whole point. Why look around for a piece of infrastructure to create a bunch of jobs that compliment the container port when we already have a huge number of Rupert residents working there?

i support the gondola idea. i dont give a damn if i have to vote for kodos to get it either…

I second that. I want the Gondola back.

What exactly is that “huge” number?

WHo the heck is Kodos?..I know I will hit my self destruct karma number over this one.
The Gondola?  Holy spit…take another pull on the ol bong guys.
As the frugal critic Crazy Mike has mentioned before…streets are falling in sewers are crumbling…and some people are actually talking about the gondola? 
I would guesstimate to have the gondola back…with a facility on the top would near a million dollars.  ATleast…the only thing there is the towers…
lets be sensible…

Don’t blame me. I voted for Kodos.

With power lines running along them…

The towers and power lines are probably the cheapest things to get up there, and also probably the biggest hassle to take down. Lots of the old towers and lines will likely have to be replaced because no maintenance has been done on them in quite some time.

Having that Gondola back is a nice thought, but it’s never going to happen. Not in that location anyways. Even IF we could afford such a luxury, (We can’t.) they wouldn’t be allowed to locate it back where it was. That entire side of the mountain is an unstable slope. There have already been a couple of minor mud slides there and the official report stated that there is a high probability of major slide happening there one day.

If you want to ponder something to build, how about the police station. It needs replacing but instead the city is getting ready to dump a ton of renovation money into the prisoner cells. Or how about the fire hall that is too old, too small, and will probably one day collapse on our fire department just when we need them most. You’re not even thinking of the whole water and sewer infrastructure that we’re dumping endless dollars into patching up instead of addressing the root of the problem.

Come to think of it… Maybe we should build the Gondola again. That way when the city crumbles beneath us, and we’re all awash in a river of water and shit, we can all escape to the top of the mountain.

In several of my posts, I have talked about the crumbling infrastructure and not too many of you seemed to be listening.  I mentioned that there was a report done just prior to the last election, which your current city council tried desperately to hide it from the taxpayers.  The report clearly identified how much money is required to fix our problem - 23 million +.  There were many recommendations made, that your elected officials have still done nothing about.  In order to start the process, however, the city needs to come up with its 1/3rd share and the province and the fed’s will provide the remainder.  That is why I would encourage us all to ask Herb and his followers why he hasn’t pursued the province in getting the taxes that Skeena owed when the Province was the owner of the mill.  If memory serves me correct, the province owes this city over 10 million dollars.  This money could go for the city’s 1/3 of fixing our infrastructure and the remainder could be used to develop new projects.  I through the idea of the Gondola out there for discussion since there are people in this community that seem to think that Tourism is going to assist in saving us…

I think the city has gone after the province for the mill tax money owed but the province just laughed at them. And I doubt Herb would pursue it now if he is planning on being part of Campbell’s gang.

Sorry, but I don’t accept that as an excuse.  The Province needs to be embarrassed into paying the back taxes.  This is a prime opportunity with the new container port just coming on line and the perceived prediction that our community is going to quickly grow.  How the hell does Herb and Campbell think that we are going to build any new businesses or home with the current infrastructure.  Do any of you think that you can tie new sewer and water lines into a crumbling mess?

Council Watcher, you just made me thought about something.

I guess I got too carried away by that Gondola thing.

Anyway, I owe you a karma.  :smiley:

This thread was started by wee-smack who apparently was asking “where’s is the justice?â€

Let me guess its all Herbs fault.  I was astonished to see a local merchant talk to herb at the blackjack table last week about not coming down to speak to them…Herb explained I havent been called…my number is listed…my cell phone is listed …my email address is listed…and no one has asked me to come speak to them.  I do know a fellow HTMF’er who did email herb and he responded quite quickly.  I dont know exactly if he got the answers he was looking for but Herb did respond and answer questions.
I dont know what to do to combat vandalsim.  I think if a red berets group or whatever you call those boys who patrol the streets voluntarily to combat crime might be a good idea.  Get down town and edumacate the little ruffiian bastrds about the hazards of crime.  AND what could happen.
WE need to be part of the solution here.
The mount hayes gondola wont happen for at least 20 yrs if ever.  MAYBE just maybe if a private investor came up with the idea and money …we would be paying out the ying yang…BUT dreamingly it would be awesome to have an resort/spa setting up there.


One of those aliens on the Simpsons?