Drivers paying attention?

Oh that’s bs.  Yes the cars coming down 6th often go over the speed limit, but the hill goes UP, so it’s not like those that want to turn ONTO 6th can’t see them coming.

I think turn signals and complete stops at stop signs might help. You know, basic rules of the road. As well as people paying attention when they drive. Crazy thought I guess?.

As usual decker, your assumptions are incorrect ( in my case, anyway). I’m a pretty conscientious driver. ’ don’t tailgate, 'don’t speed, 'try to give drivers ( even the crappy ones) a bit of room. What’s this about " following the car in front of you"? I get the feeling sometimes you type because you’re bored.  There… I guess that’s the first bit of venting I’ve had all day. Thanks for putting up with it. :wink:

i said it that way because thats what 90% of the traffic does there. drives me nuts everyday. im sorry if my “assumptions” arent correct to you i’ll try better next time  :sunglasses: