Death on the Waterfront

Some of us can maxwell but not enough of us. Sympathies to his family and may they find peace .

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Whoevers family name he carried does not matter much at this time, they will mourn as many of his friends will. I hate to bring this up again though, if we had a proper treatment center in town we may have prevented such a loss. I offer my prayers to his family.

I just have a question for all of these people that say we shouldn’t release names and such in respect for the family. At what point do we get to talk about this? Police don’t just not release the names in respect for the family, they very rarely release names or information on anything in this town.

My question is, wouldn’t it be easier for the police to release the name, instead of having rumours fly around everywhere, and have other familys, and possibly the family actually involved, hurt? If the truth is out there, there’s no need for lies and rumours…

It’s too sensitive of a topic, but it’s a big problem in rupert.

We can certainly discuss the addiction problem in Rupert as we have on many occasions without bringing in the name and circumstances surrounding the latest victim of this horrible disease.  I think those details are totally irrelevant in the larger scheme of things.  Everyone deserves privacy and respect especially the family.

How are we supposed to respect the family, if we aren’t sure what family to respect, due to rumours flying around??

Agreed.  I can’t imagine what the family is going through now.  A terrible tragedy.

I think the highest form of respect we can show the family is our deepest sympathy and our prayers.  They know we are “speaking” of them and I know will appreciate our condolences.  It is time in this town to ignore the constant rumours and take the high road apart from those who choose not to.

What I think they should do when working on such a horrible crime or loss, is findout who the individual got the shit from and then bust the person for murder or manslaughter, since the courts have decided not to do shit with the likes of a dealer from down the street maybe next door to you, when they bust the prick, then go around another way and bust them for those two crimes, shit he contributed to the fact.

I could get behind something like this!

Alright, lets bust the seller of the gun, for gunshot murder. The dealer of the automobile, for vehicular homicide. The bars, for any crime to do with alcohol. Oh, cancer from cigarettes, lets blame that on the makers of the product. Don’t forget if it’s a suicide from a doctor prescribed drug… There’s two dealers there, who to blame then? Justin case, you of all people should know, that addicts NEED to take responsibility for their actions. If it wasn’t THAT dealer, it would be another. They aren’t forcing the drugs down their nose, or throats, or into their lungs…

The fact is, if there wasn’t a demand for such drugs, there wouldn’t be drug dealers around. If addicts didn’t feel the need to consume drugs, to get away from their problems, or to end their lives because of it, we wouldn’t have over doses. The fact is, most addicts are out of control. And there is too too too much negative talk to do with addicts for them to want to get in control of their problem. Addicts aren’t trusted, and because of that, their problem spirals even further down the tracks… Most don’t even want to get help for it, nor do they even acknowledge that they have a problem.

You can’t put the blame of addiction on the dealers. And personally, I take offense to that stance.

Ths difference is that, your sarcastic response, contains only examples of "legal"activities. I am pretty sure that, drug trafficing is a little less “accepted” by society at large. And also a lot less “Bleeding Hearts” will cry if we crack down on the drug dealer.

Offing the drug dealer isn’t dealing with the problem.

The problem in this town is ADDICTION. Not drug dealing… And I wasn’t being sarcastic. I’m trying to show you how stupid getting rid of the dealers is. That’s not dealing with the problem it’s dealing with the symptom…

We have drug dealers, because we have ADDICTS. If we do something about the addiction problem, there will be no need for the dealers…

Justin Case should be the first to know, THE FIRST, that the dealers ARE NOT the problem…

I agree with you somewhat, I do think that there is some degree of responsibility on a drug dealer if a person dies as a result from a drug addiction. More than what is the status quo, which only consisders ther drug dealing aspect.

Alright, so by that logic. People who sell cigarettes, people who sell liquor, and people who sell prescription drugs, are responsible when death occurs in those situations. Yes it’s legal, but cigarettes and alcohol abuse kill more people than drug overdoses. And what about heart disease? That is THE number one killer of people… NUMBER ONE!!! So is McDonalds to blame because I have a bad heart from over eating their crap? Or is it me, who chooses to eat the shit in the first place?

Okay everyone, lets sue mcdonalds because they put too much crap in their food, and then sell it to us…

Well the fact is that until Parliament passes laws that deem smoking, drinking and eating fat inducing foodstuffs as illegal, those particular options are considered as socially acceptable.  The crap that the drug dealers are offering up in the communities across Canada are illegal, subject to the enforcements deemed suitable by the authorities…

You can’t honestly be comparing a Big Mac to a dose of Crystal Meth, cause if you are you need to sort out your priorities…

I didnt say that a tobacco vendor, a gun dealer or a bar tender is 100% to blame for any death or any other type of incident, involving the product they sell. But they do have some responsibility, a bar tender can be charged if they selll liquor to an already inebriated(sp?) individual and the drive a car, tobacco companies have been taken to court and lost due to health concerns, there are examples out there.
So, again I do not think all fault lies with the distributer, but there is some responsibility there.

The entire problem needs to be rectified…

Not just the addicts, and not just the dealers. It’s a huge issue, and more needs to be done to address it…