Covid-19 Tracker

This is going to be a dick statement on my part,sometimes I just have to say it, even if it’s a short rant.On this note before I say anything, I like to applaud all health care workers and everyone else on the front lines of tthis,I admire you all. Here it goes …so far according to my calculations only slightly over 2 percent of the population of B.C. has been tested for covid19 …this falls on the Govt and to me,that’s a bloody joke.

I agree that this does fall on the government. We’re in uncharted, unprecedented waters. How did you calculate how many people have been tested?

At a population of 5 million, that’s 100,000 people tested.
Not sure I need a test as I’m feeling pretty healthy and have been doing exactly what health care professionals are telling me to do.'wonder how many other British Colimbians are in the same boat as I ( or is it ‘me’).

And yeah, I also applaud every single person (directly and indirectly)associated with our health care system. I am relying heavily on them to keep us safe.

Sunny days forecasted on the coast. Hoping this is symbolic.

What do you mean “this falls on the government?”…sorry for being obtuse but I don’t understand your meaning - also which government?

They don’t test people without symptoms and they don’t need to test people they can obviously diagnose. So ranting about testing is pointless. Every negative test is a test wasted and invalid a day later.
The guy in the next apartment is a pus dripping, contaminated Typhoid Mary. Assume that and keep your distance.

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If everyone could magically stay away from each other for 10-14 days, this virus would be stopped dead in its tracks.

In Alberta, we had 5 more fatalities yesterday, including a man in his 30s nearby.

People are still not taking it seriously because they keep hearing mixed messages. As long as someone out there is repeating “it’s just a flu” and “young people won’t die” or “it’s a Chinese conspiracy, wake up sheeple” then people will just pick the message they want to hear.

Add people die.

More than 100 infected in Newfoundland because of a single person, who returned from the USA, with symptoms, and decided to go to a funeral home and hug everyone. There’s been at least one death connected to that outbreak too.


People here in town are not happy that out of towners (Albertan’s) with boats and trailers have started to arrive for charter season. Our local charters have made the decision to not operate for the time being.

If you want to wear a mask outside, make one. It might be a good idea.
Researchers in Singapore announced today that 10% of the spread of this virus could be attributable to people who show no symptoms at all.
I have been saying don’t shit about it as there is a shortage of medical masks for people who need them - first responders who actually NEED them.
And be well aware they won’t protect you from others, washing your hands will. They’ll protect others from YOU.

Trump is a dbag.

Don’t send masks to Canada

In the name of National Security he should be targeted for a drone strike.

This is a bad ass virus. The tiger became infected by an asymptomatic zoo worker,

Amazing how fast rolling a ball up and down the hallway playing fetch with the dog gets boring… have to take him for a car ride about town every day so he can bark at every mutt he sees.


Easter & grand-daughter’s bday over the weekend. We really missed the usual trip to Terrace this time of year.
Was tempted to set places at the Sunday table for the cat & the dog


I’ve been taking our dog across a frozen river, as far away from others as possible, so he can run off leash. He’s also happy enough to sit in the car with me as I fly my drone.

Unfortunately they’ve closed all the off-leash parks here. But they’re usually a big pile of mud this time of year anyway.


Did a Board meeting for the Seniors today on Zoom. Chairperson took my advice and made it phone in only so we didn’t spend 100% of the time hearing about no Zoom icons, Windows with no Start Buttons and “what’s a browser”. The Board is all seniors too… LOL

Trump is a disaster on multiple levels.

Has anyone signed up for BC’s COVID Tracker?

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