Carnival prices

Much as I like this town, I don’t stay here for my holidays, so when we go out of town on holidays, we go to an amusement park. It could be Edmonton, Calgary, or Vancouver or anywhere else. Obviously, not everyone else can leave town but carnival costs for two or three kids at $30 bucks per day for a weekend can get you a long ways towards your chosen destination that may have a big amusement park.
I realize that travel isn’t free but my kids know that they can choose someplace geared for them virtually every year incorporated into our family travels.

From what I’m told from swimclub parents, the only money that comes to the swimclub is from the Wheel of Fortune game. Apparently, there used to be a split of the overall take of the carnival and then it was downgraded to just 50% of the Wheel of Fortune game and now it’s even a smaller percentage of that particular game.

I guess they still clear enough to bring it back every year. So all the people that hate Chances and lotteries can rest easy knowing that local gambling is still paying for the swimclub…

I don’t know how many people took advantage of the food donation to the food bank admission discount but although we appreciate all donations to the food bank, they were down considerably this year.  Thank you though to all who donated  :smiley:  Much appreciated as always !

It’s still usually around thirty dollars for admission to any theme park… West Edmonton mall, it’s 31 bucks for a day pass. And to get into the water park is the same price… So, on top of paying around the same price, give or take a few dollars, you pay for the trip as well. Sounds like money saving to me… :unamused:

Hmm, a trip to West Eddie Mall and the Waterpark, or a chance to ride the same old creaky rides and festival atmosphere of the carnival (not to mention the odd year that it rains), I think I’d take West Eddie Mall :unamused: 

Who said anything about money saving? For your $30 at West Edmonton Mall you get REAL rides with roller coasters and lots of other things to do. For $30 you can get an admission to Sea World or Six Flags with shows and rides and lots of entertainment.

I was drawing a parallel between the cost of admission to the WCA travelling roadshow and the fact that huge theme parks cost less to enter. A single day in one of those parks definitely would top TWO days at the carnival and that WOULD  be a cost saving.

And, as I mentioned a couple of times, I understand that travel is not always an option for everyone. But an added bonus for going to the park in Edmonton or Calgary or Vancouver? You’re in Edmonton, Calgary, or Vancouver! !

Now if we could just convince the Disney company to build Disney-canada on Watson Island, we’d have a theme park year round!!!

Sure it rains alot - but hey that could be part of the “west coast feel” of Disney Canada  :smiley: 

It could work  :stuck_out_tongue:

LMFAO…you funny

I would of liked to take my girl to Disney Land last weekend but just couldnt fit it into the plans, so, we went to the carnival, spent alot of cash and my daughter had a blast.