Canadian Tire and Walmart, in Prince Rupert?

If you happen to see Canadian Tire commercials every living day of your life, then yes.

rumor i heard is that canadian tire guy is actually Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

Canadian Tire Couple Worrying

Edmonton Sun
By Lyn Cockburn

I’m worried about that Canadian Tire couple. You know the ones - they get on our TVs at least five times per evening, sometimes in the middle of sports events, hawking various Canadian Tire products.

He’s tall and slimmish with fashionably grey hair - not so handsome he’s a threat to men and not so ugly he’d make women retch. He’s your OK guy. She’s average-looking, not so thin that women will hate her, and not so plump that men will make rude remarks. She’s OK.

Then there’s the son. I don’t like him. He’s a whiner and a bit of a brat. He reminds me of a younger Jack Osbourne. In fact, the whole shtick reminds me of a tamely polite Canadian version of The Osbournes.

I only wish he or the wife would scream “I love you all dearly but you’re driving me $%#&&&# mad.”

As it is, the husband merely assures the brat (I think his name is Bobby) that he’ll get the entertainment centre (which of course he bought at Canadian Tire) together using the Quick Flip 11 piece drill set at $39.99 in time for said brat’s friends to come over so they can all watch Trailer Park Boys without parental supervision.

These people know a bargain when they see one, but what bothers me is that they are obsessive in their buying patterns. They buy every toy available. They may not be the benign Canadian family they seem to be at first glance.

For example, for camping they’ve already bought a Dome Tent that doesn’t require poles ($139.99), and triple duty pumps that will inflate air beds and soccer balls in the blink of a mosquito’s eye.

Not to mention the generator (they had one from before but it wasn’t very portable so they bought a new one) so mom and dad can watch flicks while camping. They ought to be zipped up in the Dome Tent making love to rejuvenate their marriage, which is obviously crumbling under the stress of bringing up the mouthy brat - who, thanks to said generator, can now play his violent video games instead of swimming in the lake to work off a bit of that pudge.

Then there’s gardening. The two of them are always outside with some gadget or other they’ve just bought and which makes the next-door neighbour drool with envy. I don’t like the next-door neighbour either. It seems to me he’s kind of snoopy.

Anyway, a quick toting up of their purchases so far this summer puts them in hock to Canadian Tire for somewhere around $3,000 - all bargains, and all useful, mind you. But this couple never goes to work. They never discipline their son, either. Nor do they ever make him wash the car with the brand new $299.99 super duper Simoniz S2000 gas powered pressure washer, which also cleans decks, patios and driveways.

No wonder the kid is a brat. He has no role models to look up to. His parents are too busy buying stuff and showing it off to bother holding down jobs, disciplining him or setting him a good example.

If that father and/or mother don’t get jobs soon, they’ll miss a bunch of mortgage payments on that fancy house and they’ll find themselves out on the street surrounded by their fancy gadgets.

A fine example that’ll be for the brat.

However, I suspect the real reason they don’t have jobs, yet have all those bucks for their addiction to toys is that they both work at home.

But at what? Is it possible that when he’s not showing off to the weird neighbour, he’s writing wildly lucrative potboiler novels with lots of steamy sex? Is he secretly the Danielle Steel of Canada?

They seem to have a lot of property around their big, fancy house. Perhaps it’s being put to good use. I saw a program on TV the other night (which was uninterrupted by any Canadian Tire ads) on raising llamas, which are evidently quite cuddly, very woolly, very profitable and easy to raise - yes, right here in Canada. Watch for llamas in the background the next time you see one of the ads.

Could it be that this couple is living off ill-gotten gains? Do they perhaps have a grow-op in the basement? Surely not. But just in case, perhaps the local electricity company should check up on their electrical consumption.

I’m sure there’s a simple explanation, but it might be an idea for Canadian Tire to announce their occupation - especially if it’s llamas. Viewers are interested in that sort of thing.

Hey, I voted for Herb too (in this and the previous election) but quit being such a naive groupie! He is the master of the scare tactic, using frightening stats (half of them pulled out of his ass) and dire warnings to get votes. To hear him tell it, if we didn’t vote him and the rest of council in, the city would have become like Gotham in Batman Begins. Then again, his bullshit is his charm, the rapscalion!

What has Herb done wrong?

He’s arrogant and full of crap. There is a reason why he’s called Hollywood Herb.

He has everyone fooled to believing him.

There was a question at the Mayoralty Forum asking why the same tax deal wasn’t given to Woodbridge that the Chinese are getting. Being the spin doctor that he is Pond said that the red carpet was rolled out for them and blamed it on Veniez and the other municipalities. My recollection was that Woodbridge pulled out because of the hard line that the municipalities took in regards to back taxes.

Not that council was wrong in this, hind-sight is 20/20 but Pond is flipping the blame onto everyone else. He’s a true salesman and politician. Qualitities that actually might be good for Rupert at this point of our existence. I still voted for Rendell though

First of all, I never said Herb did anything wrong. I’m just saying don’t take everything he says as gospel because he is a politician and like anyone else who has been put through the machinery, he is well-versed in manipulating stats, scaring people and blowing sunshine up our arses.

But, since you asked, I think Herb and the past council made mistakes by:

  1. hiring Kumar when they knew of his short-term intentions (he also has a dubious past work record)
  2. hiring a firm to look for a new administrator: $$$$
  3. spending mill tax money the past few years that was never coming
  4. cutting a sweet tax deal for China Paper
  5. following through on only about 5 % of the recommendations from the Social Issues Summit held a few years back

And that’s just off the top of my head.

But, hey, no one’s perfect. I think Herb did a good job under tough circumstances and that’s why I voted for him (okay, that and Rendell was a horrible option) but let’s not go handing him a blank cheque. We did it with Dan Miller as MLA and now he acts like a gangster.


He’s arrogant and full of crap. There is a reason why he’s called Hollywood Herb.

He has everyone fooled to believing him.

There was a question at the Mayoralty Forum asking why the same tax deal wasn’t given to Woodbridge that the Chinese are getting. Being the spin doctor that he is Pond said that the red carpet was rolled out for them and blamed it on Veniez and the other municipalities. My recollection was that Woodbridge pulled out because of the hard line that the municipalities took in regards to back taxes.

Not that council was wrong in this, hind-sight is 20/20 but Pond is flipping the blame onto everyone else. He’s a true salesman and politician. Qualitities that actually might be good for Rupert at this point of our existence. I still voted for Rendell though[/quote]

If you weren’t so blind to see that Veniez was Petty’s puppet, then you’d understand why the Red Carpet wasnt rolled out for him… The Chinese are more likely to open the Mill, than the woodbridge company ever was. Those back taxes are from Repap, THE SAME GOD DAMN COMPANY AS WOODBRIDGE. My old man went to Quebec for meetings while working at the mill, and said that Veniez was Petty’s Shoe boy, “on strings”. Petty said when he left this town as Repap, that he promissed to get back at the union, and thats exactly what he entended to do under the cloak of Woodbridge.

Back on topic: What did Herb do wrong?

That was a mistake, and was corrected.

Ok I agree that this was just stupidity.

This is a very delicate situation, but given the circumstances, what else was there to do… Cutting back those millions of dollars out of the city budget isnt something you can do over night.

Risky, I’ll admit, but something had to be done, and getting those people back to work was the top priority on the list here. You can simply put that, “doing his job”.

Well now you’re just contradicting number 3. When you’re out those millions of dollars, how can you implement costly social programs. Given the cutback budget, 5% is pretty exceptional.

It’s only human to make mistakes, and this is only my opinion. For the most part, I think people like to criticise, but the bottom line here is that being mayor isn’t easy, and Pond has done a decent job, and hope he makes more progress in the future.


Kinda of an interesting article. 40,000 square feet really isnt that big… Around the size of Safeway i guess. The Overwaitea in town is in the low 30,000 square feet range. The average chain drug store, such as London drugs are in the 13,000 square feet range.

Target is the same as Zellars, Winners is just another junk store, .[/quote]

Eheemmm… I didn’t know that 80 dollar shirts areconsidered junk, especially when they are marked down to 20 dollars. I shop at the Winners at Park Royal quite frequently and save myself alot of money. I think Canadian tire sells overpriced junk and their commercials are so annoying.

Delirious wrote:

Now you’re calling me blind because I don’t understand why the red carpet wasn’t rolled out.

Pay attention now… I said that Pond is full of crap when he says that they rolled the red carpet out for Woodbridge. You’re making my point because the city did not roll out the red carpet just as you suggest. I could care less if Veniez was Petty’s puppet or not or if Woodbridge and Repap are related. The result is still the same. They could be having a gay love affair and it wouldn’t change the politics of how our city handled the deal. If they want jobs as bad as they said during their campaigns then I’m sure that they could have eased off of the tax issue earlier. The thing is that China Paper now knows that they are a last resort for that mill and the city has no other options. The Chinese are in a power position. And Pond is still full of crap.

[quote=“poolboy”]First of all, I never said Herb did anything wrong. I’m just saying don’t take everything he says as gospel because he is a politician and like anyone else who has been put through the machinery, he is well-versed in manipulating stats, scaring people and blowing sunshine up our arses.

But, since you asked, I think Herb and the past council made mistakes by:

  1. hiring Kumar when they knew of his short-term intentions (he also has a dubious past work record)
  2. hiring a firm to look for a new administrator: $$$$
  3. spending mill tax money the past few years that was never coming
  4. cutting a sweet tax deal for China Paper
  5. following through on only about 5 % of the recommendations from the Social Issues Summit held a few years back

And that’s just off the top of my head.

But, hey, no one’s perfect. I think Herb did a good job under tough circumstances and that’s why I voted for him (okay, that and Rendell was a horrible option) but let’s not go handing him a blank cheque. We did it with Dan Miller as MLA and now he acts like a gangster.[/quote]

I agree with everything you are saying. I voted for Rendell but am confident that Pond will be successful and a good ambassador for our city.

Grad of '04, my Stepsister’s grad ceremony. Herb Pond said on the podium, “We got some fine ladies here. If I was this age I know what I’d be doing”.

I think you might have to guess what he meant by that :confused:

I thought Herb said, “That’s what I love about these high school girls, man: I get older, they stay the same age.”

Oh, no, that was Wooderson in Dazed and Confused.

[quote=“Pandemic”]Grad of '04, my Stepsister’s grad ceremony. Herb Pond said on the podium, “We got some fine ladies here. If I was this age I know what I’d be doing”.

I think you might have to guess what he meant by that :confused:[/quote]

He was just saying what all the other old men were thinking.

Retail thread turned political. :open_mouth:

I am also interested in the “4 or 5 other retail stores” that is opening up by the two giant big boxes. Restaurant? Chain? BOUTIQUE?!

Info on the developerof the project. Also has alot of info on current and completed projects. Its interesting too see some of the stores that usually accompany these developments.

[quote=“Pandemic”]Grad of '04, my Stepsister’s grad ceremony. Herb Pond said on the podium, “We got some fine ladies here. If I was this age I know what I’d be doing”.

I think you might have to guess what he meant by that :confused:[/quote]

Isn’t he such a class act??