Are you all ready for the Amero?

Nah. You’re the sheep, sadly.

A few months ago I read up on conspiracy theories and I was pretty ticked off. It all seemed very well thought out. I didn’t really think it was true, but I gave it some validity in my head.

However, then I saw Zeitgeist. And wow… I’m still trying to get that fresh “bullshit” smell out of my nose. So I researched everything and found there, while there is lots of evidence that disproves the theories, there is no evidence that proves them.

So, as a self-educated person on the issue, I say that you’re the sheep. Had you taken the time to research the opposition to the PLANNED ATTACK you would find that it was just a bunch of crazy terrorists.

As I stated in another thread. Some people are afraid of being “sheep”, so they become critical. However, some of these people are SO afraid of this sheepishness, they don’t believe a single piece of information from the government or media–thus the conspiracy theorist is born.

You watch one film thats full of bullshit therefore every topic that film touched on is all bullshit ? Lots of “documentaries” have false information, its good to check up on their facts before jumping aboard, I have noticed lots of folks think if it was on discovery channel its got to be gospel “Its true, I saw it on t.v.!”.

Straw Man–but thanks anyways.

never heard about this…thanks cool…

here is a site.

lots of stuff on utube…
this is from cnn scary stuff…

seems nauticalpixel is talking about stuff that is documented, this stuff is going on right now, under the radar, 2010 is the year they hope to have the North American union in place.

lol we’re gonna get pwned

I’m sorry, I just don’t know what to make of all this conspiratorial stuff

The argument was never that the idea of a North American Union and an Amero don’t exist–but rather whether or not here is any fixed plan to institute them.

If you really want to have some evidence, do some research. Not just skimming through a few web pages and watching one documentary. I mean REALLY get into it. Otherwise you hold no credence with me.

I’ve sat down with Nauticalpixel numerous amounts of time and watched my share of documentaries and on top of that done some research of my own. There WILL be a North American Union. If the public don’t wake up and see the real picture.

And to be completely honest eccentric, it is people like you, who aren’t willing to look into things and just chalk it all up to some crazy person talking through his butt, that are the problem. You don’t think the people who rule this world have the power to do things under your nose? Do you really think you know what is going on out there? You realise, the group who is behind this NAU, had a meeting RIGHT HERE IN OUR COUNTRY. Did you know that? I bet you didn’t. In fact, I bet you don’t even realise I’ve mentioned the name of that group more than once in this forum. Once in this very thread to be exact.

You can’t form an opinion on something from one crappy documentary, just like you can’t form a full opinion of a person through one meeting.

I have footage of the entire weekend filmed right outside of the hotel, with all the bankers and politicians rolling in, no denying they were there, yet absolutely nothing on cbc, ctv or anywhere, pricks!

Coverage on the news media? Are you mad? Imagine what would happen if that were leaked out?
That the government doesn’t really rule our country at all.

ZOMG that would be a disaster. :unamused:

Ok, I’m intrigued but I’m not getting the big picture.  Are we getting the Amero and then becoming the NAU?

Here is what I’ve gotten so far.  There is a group behind a North American Union (but there are groups behind a lot of things).  They held a meeting in Canada (but a lot of meetings are held in Canada).  The Amero is coming (I didn’t know this until Nauticalpixel confirmed it).

So is there a conspiracy here or are we going to get a new currency.  If there is a conspiracy then what is it, am I going to become American, is Canada doomed to be taken over (to think people want oil that bad that they’d be willing to accept Quebec).  Please tell me more, I don’t want to become a sheeple.

Also, I like to say the “Amero” is a dumb name but being Canadian and having the “loonie” I lose that right.  I guess it’ll have to do.

Well, this alarm has been sounding for about 100 years now.  And it’s always been “just around the corner.”

So it would be really useful if the people who seem to have all the inside knowledge could let us know if we have to wait another 100 years (or 200) for this to happen, or will it be in a couple of months?

If we’re meant to be worried, then when is this going to happen?  If you don’t have a specific date, then it’s pretty much rumour and speculation, isn’t it?

I need to keep quoting that, because this is a textbook example :wink:[/quote]


I’ve sat down with Nauticalpixel numerous amounts of time and watched my share of documentaries and on top of that done some research of my own. There WILL be a North American Union. If the public don’t wake up and see the real picture.[/quote]

Wow… you must have good discussions patting each other on the back. Discussing a conspiracy theory with another conspiracy theorist is not very productive, in terms of ‘research’.

I’m sorry. I really am. I don’t want to be a sheep. It’s just that I have yet to see a single piece of evidence that can’t be disproved in a few sentences… or as Mig did earlier, simply showing an entire photo instead of a part of one.

As for having a meeting in Canada. I’d certainly hope that they had one in Canada since we’d be a part of this. But then again, no one here has even tried to argue that the Amero and the NAU isn’t an idea that’s out there–we simply don’t believe that it’s going to happen any time soon, if at all.

You continue to put pieces of Straw up my ass.

then I saw Zeitgeist. And wow… I’m still trying to get that fresh “bullshit” smell out of my nose. So I researched everything and found there, while there is lots of evidence that disproves the theories, there is no evidence that proves them.[/quote]

I did a lot of research after the movie–historical, religious, and regarding 9/11 conspiracies. The fact that I’ve only watched one documentary doesn’t make that research any less valid.

But again. I challenge you.

Is there any piece of evidence or proof that I could present to you that would make you think that any of your facts are wrong?

Sure, but you haven’t yet.

I happen to know that the Illuminati would never let any of this happen, so really it’s all moot anyway.

I think the Priori of Zion are involved as well.

More on the NAU: … E_ID=59060

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The CFR’s writing, touching on the NAU:
Click here (PDF)

*“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

  • David Rockefeller Baden-Baden, Germany 1991*