Any Requests?

pffffffffffff… hoshq go make love to your camera, eww wait a minute you lost it when your purse was stolen. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s too bad you were born with only those few brain cells, I hear you cant grow new ones.

It’s more about the efficiency of the machine, not so much the size.

Personally I don’t care if he has as many identities as Sybil, as long as he leaves me alone!

are you talking aboiut my fucking brauincells? spor my gramor? grammor? grammmmerar? i’ll kill you… like i’ll take you r breathiung tube thin g, mand crush it… that tube that you breathe with… that trake-eh-uh type deal… and des-i-mate0i… it… i like mating… with jungle animals…

yo! i drive a truck… an di’ll run you over.

as long as you don’t eat theat sugar crisp type shit. that shit’ll bust a truck intwo.

now how abou twe do a nice line of vodka?

Ahh, vodka snooters.
