Whats your gangsta Name?

Cold Tree Hugga? Sounds like teh_gibson.

Besides Fat Ugly Skull Cruncha my ass was dubbed:

Clowny Pond Swimma
Dead Bully Couch Bouncer (he he)
Whipped Red Snappa
Fine Ol’ Killa

Love how they add the a at the end of the words.

A lot of these don’t sound so gangsta-ish to me. But you know, if they’re calling me Heavy Nutz, it’s pretty cool.

Old name: billy joe joe joe jambrey

I now dub your ass:

Heavy G



Old name: Carmel Riley

I now dub your ass:
Phat Bitch

Old name: Ryan

Endearing pet name:
Sweet Butt

haha mine is:

Rotten Drug Smuggla