What is windows accelerators run at 9.8 m/

The best Windows accelerators run at 9.8 m/s^2

whats is that?

9.8 meters per second squared. Gravitational acceleration my boy. Drop it out a window and you’ll see the most effective Windows acceleration available.
With no spyware!

You can speed it up even more if you kickstart it with a good throw downwards.

I’m really starting to hate this place.

Was it something I wrote?

It will still accelerate at the same rate (9.8 m/s/s) from the time it leaves your hands until the time it hits the ground. Initial velocity has no effect on the rate of acceleration when the only force acting on the object is gravity.


It will still accelerate at the same rate (9.8 m/s/s) from the time it leaves your hands until the time it hits the ground. Initial velocity has no effect on the rate of acceleration when the only force acting on the object is gravity.[/quote]

Good point. To my defense, I used “speed it up” instead of “accelerate” (speed is velocity isn’t it?) implying that the impact on the ground would be greater (which is what is seeked as an effect) with a greater initial speed.

I do believe speed is not velocity speed does not have a direction… and velocity does… ?

I’m well aware of this. I’m just saying that the signature said absolutely nothing about speed, it only mentioned acceleration.

Say you’re motoring down the road on cruise control at 100 kmh, and you enter a long couterclockwise turn. There’s a cop with radar half way thru pointed at you. Will it read over 100 kmh or under 100 kmh?

If you’re a “good” driver it would read under 100kmh as that is too fast a speed to negotiate a turn on.

… says my Safe Driving Guide booklet and my loser licence.

But do you want to be a “good” driver or a good driver?

Neither. Which is why I’m 25 and have never driven more than a half hour in my life.

Good stuff.

A car travels the first kilometer of a two kilometers straigth stretch of road at a speed of 30 km/h. How fast must it travel in the second kilometer to achieve an average speed of 60 km/hour over the whole stretch?
PM the answer and I will post the names of the winning entries so you can feel smart. Contest ends at 10:00 tonight.

We should post in here so we can feel bad when we get it wrong.

Time’s up! No winning entries.
Post your answers here I guess!

And on the 434th day, he made 1000 posts.

I think it’s 90km. But there’s probably a trick!

I think it’s 90km. But there’s probably a trick![/quote]


There is a trick: You must think.
