What happened to Eric Mercer?

Well while it’s true that what is done is done and it’s time to move on and all that seems to be the current attitude on the issue, the departure does raise a few questions one would think.

It provides for the old favourite theme around here of transperency and accountability, the idea that a high level official of education would just decide to leave in the middle of the school year does ring more than a few alarm bells. 

Likewise without disclosure as to any settlement terms ie: payouts and ongoing benefits  and such, one would expect a few questions to be raised.

There was no shortage of interest around town last year over the Tanalee Hesse hiring at City Hall,  so it would be expected that some folks might have some thoughts about a departure steeped in mystery such as this one seems to be.

Which is why I suspect the Vancouver Sun found the changes up here of interest, such past events in other school districts have likewise attracted interest and in some cases actual debate…

We’ll see if this decision to part ways gains more attention locally as the school year progresses and the budget decisions have to be made, or if it somehow continues to stay low on the public interest (and media) levels.

And since we are closing schools, shouldn’t we be reducing the size of the administration?

I agree as citizens whose money pays for operations of public gov’t we should be entitled to answers as we see fit. Unfortunatly the standard use of privacy issues is the trump card of most boards in todays world.

The settlement would all be based on the details of the contract signed. I would again suggest that if Eric left on his own accord the settlement would be minor to nil. If he was terminated then he would surely be compensated for ending the term of his contract early with or without proper grounds to do so. With that in mind it becomes clear why the details will remain some what sealed.

The only way I see getting answers is to change the privacy act (good luck) or have the two parties involved waive the confedentiality agreement that is more than likely in place (again, good luck).

After all that, I will restate that I am happy with the decision and look forward to Lynn Hauptmans arrival.

TTFN  12 direct and 15 or more indirectly. As in volunteering at school, helping set-up community programs those sorts of things. We’re actually trying to wean ourselves back and let other people step up to the plate. Doesn’t seem to be working to well tho we keep on…

Sir Ryan of Last your welcome for the concern. Alas I’m not Mercer.
TTFN you’re right about contract issues whatever they may be and the privacy stuff.
My concern is that political will seems to have taken the few dollars and continuity from our kids. I know as a parent the shuffling that will occur. Those changes/accountability are going to be put on the back burner…another year of someone getting their ducks in a row. Tell the truth we teach our children, yet for reasons the public might not be able to handle the School Board circle jerks us around.
How is it for the better of the parents/students of this SD when major changes are done behind closed doors. Was the guy a pervert, did he skim money, did he piss off the BCTF or the IUOE. The SB could drag us through emotional, gut wrenching etc. school closures but they couldn’t tell us why we needed a change at the helm.
I’m sorry folks but this decision made by, (was it unanimous) the SB reeks of something personal. If it wasn’t about anything why weren’t there comments by Mr Mercer saying so or a SB announcement explaining it.
I guess this is why Prince Rupert is in the top percentile when it comes to education :frowning:.
Politicians know better.

I should say that the question has been asked. But the answer was not forthcoming and I believe that confidentiality is at play.
How many answers have we received about the rational behind Doug Jay being let go? You can’t FOI with or without confidentiality.  I wrongly wrote that Mr Mercer had been let go, and took the rap for it.
All we can say and should say at this point is that they have decided to part ways.
Though it is fair for parents and taxpayers to ask the board what actually happened. If interested, each board member’s phone# is posted on the SD 52 website.
Does it mean an answer will come out of it? probably not.

I too work have worked for the district for quite a number of years and may have enough seniority to overcome the next round of cutbacks, but I do have concern for some capable colleagues who have less seniority. 

Having said all that I also want to add that I have an acquaintance that works in educational HR and is familiar with contract law and procedures.  This acquaintance was good enough to point out a few working points that may be helpful here.

First, if Mr Mercer decided to leave of his own accord then he would not be in a position to receive a severance or payout.  He also would be guilty of some incompetence or indiscretion to have caused this to happen.  Also if he did depart and if he were not to retire he would would be placing himself in a very poor position for re-employment.  There is considerable professional stigma attached to leaving a position mid-year.  If he did all this then he gets all that he deserves and rightly so for abandoning our students at such a bad time.

Second, if Mr Mercer did not leave of his own accord then he would be entitled to a severance package, probably equal to 12 months salary plus benefits.  Hearing that his salary was around $110,000, then I would say his payout would be somewhere around $130,000 (a guess at best).  If he did receive a payout then he was terminated without cause.  If he did receive a payout then he cannot work in BC for the period equal to the term of this payout.  Any of this can be found out through a FOI request.

Third, all very fine until you look at this in total costs.  Let’s assume Mr Mercer did receive a payout in the amount I suggested above.  Factor this money plus the salary of the temporary superintendent and the costs of hiring a third permanent superintendent - let’s, for the sake of argument say this comes to slightly over $200,000.  And all this money spent without a reason given for termination.

Fourth, let’s not forget that the district is about to go into budget talks.  With declining enrollments there will be less money coming into the district which usually means fewer jobs.  Add this extra financial burden and it’s quite easy to see that even more jobs will be lost than was probably going to happen.  How many jobs could have been saved if the Board were to have waited on this?  This, in my opinion, is wrong, and stupid and there should be questions and answers provided explaining why the Board would do this to the students and staff.

Finally, it has been suggested by some that, “What’s done, is done.”  Well, I cannot agree when perhaps me, and certainly some of my friends and colleagues will now loose their jobs as a result of this, and forgive me for being crass, idiotic decision made by our Board.  Why shouldn’t they be answerable?

Don’t let this go without asking these important questions because it’s not just about Mr Mercer, it’s about our students and those of us will and who hope to remain.

“Dearly departed?” What, does everyone who leaves the district die??

People leave positions for lots of reason and it is quite common in Rupert, which many people use a stepping stone on to bigger and better things, especially with our declining population and services. Dan Rodin found a better job in town, wanted a change. Brian Kangas retired to a beautiful new house on the island. It happens.

Good post toby. You have hit the nail on the head far better that I.

Max Power… Mr Kangas made some mistakes, realized it and then dropped on the SBs’ lap, retirement. Maybe Mr Rodin and Mr Bill Ford were fed up with the current line of political … at the time.

Why isn’t the Board answerable to this, they are using our dollars. This isn’t Victoria/Ottawa this is our community. As far as phoning each trustee, they are a Board not individuals, they should answer this as a Board.

Max Power…you seem to be deflecting…are you the Board Chair?

Again Toby… you must be a carpenter… but I think there is more than one deflecting.

Not sure where you two get your info from but Max is absolutley right on his two board members. Brian was a short term hire and it was between him and Skip Cronck. Both were just short of retirement and the trustees, I’m sure were fully aware, but those were the two choices of the day. Dan took on a new challenge something I’m sure he wanted and embraced, with the city. All opinions aside he is very good with books and numbers.

Your all worried about money and to a point it is important, now ask yourself this, what did it cost the district by having such a low morale amongst ALL it’s employees? It may have cost a few dollars now but in the end the education of kids will benefit from happy, healthy employees. End of story, bottom line.

PS. I am not even close to being a trustee, as a matter of fact I may be the farthest thing from it, for now…

OK thanks for the morale up-lifting advice.  Hopefully those who lose their jobs can take comfort in this.

TTFN, there were other choices than Brian and Skippy I believe. Dan did what Dan did but not because of the need for a new challenge I think.
I wonder what sort of deal was made with our new super…they just don’t fall from the sky. Didn’t anyone from the District apply like before or is everybody happily employed and happy remaining where they are?
At least in provincial/federal politics there is an active opposition, like a watchdog for the public (yes the opposition is self serving). We don’t have a watchdog for our school board. Look at Terrace (blind) before people found out what was going on…they’re deep in the fiscal hole now.
Low morale can come from mixed messages from the board or decisions made affecting staffing or by lack of government funding.  The problems are still here, scapegoats and under the carpet treatments only delay what is coming…accountability for quality education and voter/user non-confidence.

Wait… Where did Eric Mercer go?

finishing school?


They were the short list during that hiring time. There were multiples available during the last hiring with Eric being the victor.

In our case all three with the added arrogance of the super at the helm. Don’t take me wrong, I have watched many very good people moved from positions were they were extremly effective in educating or assisting in educating our children. At some point reality sets in. Low numbers, too many empty spaces and buildings that are completly outdated held together by band aids. Are there other ways to utilize the funding dollars? Sure there are. Are we over managed? One could say so. Should we fund the “in the trenches” workers rather than Administration? Why not. Who’s priorities reign supreme?

Well step right up and put your name and time forward for the  upcoming Budget Advisory sessions. Contact your union rep and join in. Screaming and yelling from the sidelines falls on deaf ears. So take your solutions to our problems forward and change the world. oh by the way, I’ve been there a few times, so good luck to you.

[quote=“Sir Ryan of Last”]

should have known he would make an appearance at some point. good one.[/quote]

[quote=“Sir Ryan of Last”]
