What do choose?

Life, or existence, is a cycle. Evolution is a necessary part of that cycle. It leads to better technology, which will then lead to creation of further life, thus ourselves then becoming God, and completing the cycle by starting it again elsewhere.


[quote=“anonymouse”]Point made, it is no longer suposition but in fact, a reality. This has been proofed and is repeatable. Is a scientific fact. The time frame involved is reasonable and acceptable to have given the results.
If you read “Darwin’s Goast”, it becomes crystal clear.
And if you look to the genetic mix that Canada has become, it starts to make more and more sense. This involves a time span of only 100+ years.[/quote]

Sorry, I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here. If you read Darwins Ghost something is supposed to become perfectly clear? Maybe you could briefly summarize the whole arguement behind the book.

What does Canada’s genetic mix have to do with all of this?


Figured youd respond with that :wink: well its not necissarily… however its a theory for a reason and cannot be proven to be 100% fact.

and before you argue with me on that point I would just like to say that unless we can reproduce these results or similar results ie. creating life from simple protiens this cannot be proven 100%

oh and if this has been done I appologize I am wrong haha im not a biologist.

Scientific theories are not flawed because they can’t be reproduced. Black holes can’t be seen but they are the best explanation for certain processes of the universe and some evidence from observation has demonstrated their existence long after they were predicted.
Evolution is based on evidence and observation. Look at yourself in the mirror and you will see that you have more common features with a chimpanzee than with a halibut. Creationism cannot explain clearly why there is so much species diversity. Was God bored and decided that only a few kinds of animals was not enough? Whas the snake in the Garden of Eden a python or a cobra?

Creationists seek evidence to support their belief. More than that, they try to pass the “holes” in the evolution theory as grounds for dismissing the whole thing but they would never accept the same thing done to the bible! Check how old some of these guys were in the Old Testament ( 500 years old!!!),
I don’t believe in evolution, I accept it as the best explanation of our origins. Natural selection, Darwin’s driving force behind evolution, is a powerful mechanism that is still observable today in bacteria and viruses.

I wasnt saying it was flawed because you cant recreate it I am not saying its flawed at all but you cannot prove that evolution is 100% correct simply because it hasnt been reproduced. I beleive it is correct but there are some holes.[/quote]

I’d just like to take a moment to point out that nothing is 100% proven. That’s one of the basis of modern science is that we can only propose theories on why things behave the way they do. That’s what allows theories to be improved upon as technology allows new insights.

Theories are the best explanation we have at the moment. They explain what has happened, and predict what will happen accurately. If you claim evolution doesn’t make sense because you can’t 100% prove it you might as well renounce everything you know, because NOTHING can EVER be 100% proven.

That said, if you want to disbelieve evolution because you don’t agree with the science, that’s alright with me.

Lois: I can’t believe he just walked right off the cliff!!

Peter: He’s a Christian, Lois. He doesn’t believe in gravity.

poor Mel Gibson:(

This is not a suppositon on my part, nor is it any longer a therory. It is a proff of the theory, a resultant. It is and will be repeatable. A tool for understanding, of comprehension.

Mel Gibson reinacted a public exicution, one that put the fear into the people so that they would not go against the establishment. Now all we have to do is bear the cross as a reminder. Now Gibson makes a movie to remind us yet again just incase we have forgotten. Come on now, havent we felt guilty enough. Did you see the way Mary looked at us, like we are to blame for not listening to the “SON of GOD”. Mothers always think the best of thier children like they could do no wrong “sinless” :smiling_imp:

A couple thousand years is enough. Let’s get rid of the dead weight so that our wings will work. That’s my “angle”.

The aliens did it.

Do you mean the lizard people??? :smiling_imp:

I like apples. :smiley:

Man, isn’t this thread EVER gonna die? :unamused:

You’d think it would have evolved by now.

I’d think so. But I guess certain members of this forum don’t believe in evolution.

But considering the higgledy-piggledy way some of these posts are strewn together, I doubt you could call it “Intelligent Design” either. There seems to be very little intelligence going into it at all!

There is no such thing as death. Just changes in your world.

Man, whatever. Go jump into the path of a speeding semi-truck and tell me ALL about the “changes in your world”. Alright?

hahaha… I still like apples. :laughing:

Last thanksgiving I was acting annoying and wordy while pretending to have some greater conciousness that allowed me a calm acceptance of any person’s faults. Don’t you think that is a very funny way to troll someone?

Why don’t you both get sex changes, and stare at the stars all night together.

Yea its got to be put down. Be right back…

[size=24] BSH [/size]

Alright done and done.