Westview School

Honestly this ‘faulty’ equipment you speak of is a good thing. It serves a purpose, phasing out the dumb kids.  It’s a part of evolution if you will. Just who the fuck do you think you are to be screwing with evolution?

Remember lawn darts? how many smart kids died from them?  How about horseshoes? how many smart kids got head injuries?  BB guns?

We’ve taken away part of evolution and just look how many stupid little shits there are out there now. If they had of died young your job would be easier and I wouldn’t have to put up with them on the rare occasion I go to the mall. Thanks asshole!  

Okay but seriously I wasn’t the brightest kid either and I had all those ‘dangerous’ toys (and more). I’m still alive.

Try teaching your kid about how to protect themselves from danger and spot danger instead of coddling them.

Yeah, try teaching your kids how to survive car accidents instead of depending on car seats and seat belts. 

I didn’t have either of those when I was a kid, and I’m still alive.

Not one art lessen!! :smiley:

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Twist my words all you like you know what I mean.  Teach your kids how to SAFELY use equipment, ride in cars and spot dangers and know how to avoid them.  Safely using a car requires a seatbelt, safely riding a bike requires a helmet, maybe some knee/elbow pads.

Safely using playground equipment means not sticking your head between the bars and jumping off.

Teach your kids how to minimize the risk of injury instead of trying to coddle them and prevent any pain and suffering. Pain and suffering is good for you! (to an extent).

I was able to safely use the very same playgrounds when I was a child… whats wrong with todays children?

You were also able to safely ride in cars when you were younger without a car seat.  Well, at least I was :wink:  And people used to be able to ride in cars without seatbelts.  What’s wrong with kids these days?

It’s not twisting your words.  There were no car seats or seatbelts, and now there are.  Are we wimps now that we can’t handle simple car accidents?

The problem is that some of the equipment is inherently dangerous, even when used properly.  One slip and it’s not just a broken arm or bruised rib – those are acceptable.  It’s one slip and you’re dead. 

Sure it’s not a common occurrence at all, but it has happened.

Sort of like swimming in a pool with no lifeguard.  Absolutely safe, right?  I used to do it all the time when I was younger.  But the 0.01% of the time there’s trouble, then what?  No lifeguard to help you.

So yeah, if you’re going to have a playground, at least not have equipment that is badly designed.

As Ryan has pointed out, the swings are coming back.

their thumbs are too large it takes a lot of work to use a game controller. 
Also kids are fatter then when we were kids or I should say there is more obese kids then when we were kids.

Driving in a car without a car seat or a seatbelt was never safe or smart. People were just stupid or naive. 

As for “one slip and its not a broken rib its death” well same with crossing a street, one slip and you’re dead. Better not ever let your kids cross the street right? 

Everything in life has a risk of death its just a matter of whether that risk is acceptable to you. In my opinion jungle gyms have proven to be safe for the masses over the years when used properly (read dont hang upside down retard).

Then again maybe I’m crazy. After all I spend my summers rock climbing, skydiving (in 2 weeks) and my winters hurling myself down a mountain at insane speeds through trees and off cliffs so perhaps my threshold for risk is a bit higher than that of a sedentary dad :wink: (congrats on the kid btw.) 

All the wooden play structures are being removed because they are past being safe.  The Westview structure is 24 years old and the Catholic school’s one is 27 years old. Seal Cove and Kanata are having the structures removed because the schools are closed.

Ok we get that they are taking them down for safety reasons, now lets talk about what is going to replace them!! or are they???

Driving in a car without a car seat or a seatbelt was never safe or smart. People were just stupid or naive.[/quote]

Tell that to drivers in the past who didn’t have the option of seatbelts. They didn’t used to exist. Even now, many countries don’t have seatbelts and/or seatbelt laws.

As for “one slip and its not a broken rib its death” well same with crossing a street, one slip and you’re dead. Better not ever let your kids cross the street right?[/quote]

It’s true, it is the same as crossing the street. Do you think that could be why we have crosswalks and laws against jaywalking?

Everything in life has a risk of death its just a matter of whether that risk is acceptable to you. In my opinion jungle gyms have proven to be safe for the masses over the years when used properly (read dont hang upside down retard).[/quote]

Yea–those kids who hang by their legs must be retarded. It probably has nothing to do with the fact that they’re young and it’s fun.

You do all that stuff and you call kids who hang upside down on monkey bars retarded? I’m not saying you are, I’m just saying that the two paragraphs seem to contradict one another.

You’re entitled to live your life the way you want, and I’m guessing you do so knowing that you could badly hurt yourself doing it–that’s probably part of the allure. Kids in elementary school can’t make that distinction.

They shall be back.

It’s pretty sad that they are going to dismantle the playground at Seal Cove school. That’s a major east side playground and it’s in great shape. Quite a loss to the east side.

I agree!  I use to live nearby and this park was great for the kids.  Well, for those who survived all the dangers :wink:

The Seal Cove park didn’t have the hanging hazards.  I guess you were sending your kids to a safe park all this time thinking you were sending them to the danger zone.  </kenny loggins>

Obligatory Top Gun quote:

Swing sets at WV just missed the new code for spacing between swings. they had been reduced to one swing per section.

All wooden structures for parks were not up to todays code during a recent park audit, including some metal based parks. look to see which parks are left.

As for replacement, well unless the schools PAC has money to purchase and put up a park then it will be barren land. Sandcastles made of small drain rock.

WV closing is a possibility even more so considering our superintendant feels he has the right to move the french immerision program without any consultation with the trustee’s. Add to that cross boundary cancelations and a halt to kindergarten sign up at WV. No plans what so ever of replacing the park and a superintendant that supports a day care on the site below Roosevelt (none currently exists) and not the existing one at WV. This all equals the apperance of something going on. IMO.

On a positive note, sorta, there are alot of companies building parks for kids which has brought the price down considerably. A group can get a great park with alot of options for $25k. They supply a building supervisior to help during instalation (saves on guess work). Biggest cost is land prep. In rupert, go figure.

It’s a shame that the service groups in Rupert have declined. They used to pick up a lot of the slack when it came to things like playgrounds. It’s almost like Rupert needs a “playground committee” to raise funds to install and maintain a decent amount of playgrounds in this city.

Most service groups are losing members these days. Why not join one yourself and be a part of the solution?

Because it’s easier to sit on an internet forum and complain.  :smiley: :unamused:

Almost as easy as making assumptions about people and what they are or are not doing.