Wacky hair day

what should i do?>


Yes!!! Ha hahaha, shave it right in the middle, like one big bald stripe, then dye one side of the hair purple, and the other green.

I cant believe you started a chat on what the hell you should do with your hair… save the chats for something a little more interesting.

dick it?

shut the hell up

you shut up

Oh, come on hair is an important part of a person’s appearance.

No you shut up.

Beautiful destruction:

and i quote, “Interests: umm dance… drinking… fun?”

are you really a credible measure of whats interesting? why dont you go get drunk and dance…i hear you can do it as a profession in some bars.

[quote=“Trotsky”]Beautiful destruction:

and i quote, “Interests: umm dance… drinking… fun?”

are you really a credible measure of whats interesting? why dont you go get drunk and dance…i hear you can do it as a profession in some bars.[/quote]

Pretty Sad dude.

its pretty funny, because if you knew who beautiful destruction was, and what she was doing, you’d probably shut up pretty quick. everyone makes stupid posts here, so how about we holster the ‘zing’ guns and go find something else to do but post about how ‘sad’ other people are on the internet.